I'm busy so I cannot entertain you. I'm collecting reads for my list but dunno when I'm going to read them.
I don't care if I get hate for it, your bitchiness is driving me insane. I'm gonna go ahead and say it, there are very few things JK did wrong, and he's not nowhere near as bad as you all make him out to be.
1) the moment Dan signed the contract, he agreed to be used whenever, wherever. objectively speaking, that in itself is a form of consent. If you reread the first time they had sex, JK even gave him an out, he's the one who insisted to stay (for whatever reason) so yes there was no rape. like ever. argue with the wall. and here's the legal definition of rape in case you've forgotten: "The term rape is often used as a legal definition to specifically include sexual penetration without consent."
2) Of course, even if they had a contract, the way Jk treated Dan cannot be excused. He made him feel like a toy and not a human whose feelings matter, and I am not at all trying to say that's okay. HOWEVER, nowhere in their contract did JK mention he would take care of Dan after sex. their relationship was purely transactional. It's on Dan if he expected something more from him when JK never took responsibility for it.
3) The only thing that in my opinion is genuinely unredeemable and should have this man (JK) on his knees, is him showing off Dan during their intimate time. He was not allowed to do that, and should've at least informed Dan that someone would see him in that state. No buts or howevers here. Under no circumstances should this have happened.
4) Him pouring a cola on Dan was unjustified as well. However, remember that we are reading this story from Dan's pov. Can you imagine having to lose so much weight in a month, already being on edge, in JK's own words feeling like "this will be the end of you", and your physical therapist is partying the night away when he's aware that you're a light sleeper? It still does not justify his behaviour, but being in a bad mental place can make people behave in ways they wouldn't normally do, and in my opinion we shouldn't be so quick to judge his every single action just because Dan cried a little.
5) JK not trusting Dan before his final match is completely reasonable. They were not talking, and Dan had a good excuse (for the lack of a better word) to want to take revenge on him. JK was sent a picture of Dan's meeting with the other gym's director. anyone else in that situation would suspect Dan. He shouldn't have been so quick to draw a conclusion though, but you could go a little easier on him considering the stress he's been going through because of his opponent (Baek Junmin) the crash out could've been avoided if potato opened his mouth sooner, but even so, JK had all the right to get angry at that moment. I'm even going to take it further and say Jk was hurt by the mere thought of the betrayal itself, which led to him asking the question, "how much money did Baek Junmin offer you?" he thought money was all he was worth in Dan's eyes.
6) As to where we currently stand in the story, JK is being selfish and not respecting Dan's boundaries, (which should change soon) but you can't say he hasn't changed at all. to anyone who's saying that, I want you to go back and reread the first 10 chapters and tell me honestly if you think that THAT JK would do all this for ONE miserable physical therapist. He's quite dumb emotionally I won't deny, but he's not the monster everyone insists he is. And this is only the start. Mingwa said season 2 would be longer, so we have at least 40~50 more chapters. Have some patience and learn how criticism actually works before calling your half-ass rants "criticism".