I don't care if I get hate for it, your bitchiness is driving me insane. I'm gonna go ahead and say it, there are very few things JK did wrong, and he's not nowhere near as bad as you all make him out to be.
1) the moment Dan signed the contract, he agreed to be used whenever, wherever. objectively speaking, that in itself is a form of consent. If you reread the first time they had sex, JK even gave him an out, he's the one who insisted to stay (for whatever reason) so yes there was no rape. like ever. argue with the wall. and here's the legal definition of rape in case you've forgotten: "The term rape is often used as a legal definition to specifically include sexual penetration without consent."
2) Of course, even if they had a contract, the way Jk treated Dan cannot be excused. He made him feel like a toy and not a human whose feelings matter, and I am not at all trying to say that's okay. HOWEVER, nowhere in their contract did JK mention he would take care of Dan after sex. their relationship was purely transactional. It's on Dan if he expected something more from him when JK never took responsibility for it.
3) The only thing that in my opinion is genuinely unredeemable and should have this man (JK) on his knees, is him showing off Dan during their intimate time. He was not allowed to do that, and should've at least informed Dan that someone would see him in that state. No buts or howevers here. Under no circumstances should this have happened.
4) Him pouring a cola on Dan was unjustified as well. However, remember that we are reading this story from Dan's pov. Can you imagine having to lose so much weight in a month, already being on edge, in JK's own words feeling like "this will be the end of you", and your physical therapist is partying the night away when he's aware that you're a light sleeper? It still does not justify his behaviour, but being in a bad mental place can make people behave in ways they wouldn't normally do, and in my opinion we shouldn't be so quick to judge his every single action just because Dan cried a little.
5) JK not trusting Dan before his final match is completely reasonable. They were not talking, and Dan had a good excuse (for the lack of a better word) to want to take revenge on him. JK was sent a picture of Dan's meeting with the other gym's director. anyone else in that situation would suspect Dan. He shouldn't have been so quick to draw a conclusion though, but you could go a little easier on him considering the stress he's been going through because of his opponent (Baek Junmin) the crash out could've been avoided if potato opened his mouth sooner, but even so, JK had all the right to get angry at that moment. I'm even going to take it further and say Jk was hurt by the mere thought of the betrayal itself, which led to him asking the question, "how much money did Baek Junmin offer you?" he thought money was all he was worth in Dan's eyes.
6) As to where we currently stand in the story, JK is being selfish and not respecting Dan's boundaries, (which should change soon) but you can't say he hasn't changed at all. to anyone who's saying that, I want you to go back and reread the first 10 chapters and tell me honestly if you think that THAT JK would do all this for ONE miserable physical therapist. He's quite dumb emotionally I won't deny, but he's not the monster everyone insists he is. And this is only the start. Mingwa said season 2 would be longer, so we have at least 40~50 more chapters. Have some patience and learn how criticism actually works before calling your half-ass rants "criticism".
Ur off ur fucking rocker. Writing a whole essay defending absolute garbage. Did nobody teach you that rape doesn’t just get annulled in every situation where someone seemingly agrees to going along with the act? You’re the type person to say it was still consensual if the other person said yes even while drunk, not in their right mind, given no other option, a minor, groomed etc. Did you not remember that Dan had literally no choice or his grandma would’ve fucking died from lack of medical funds? He was manipulated. You literally recognize that many of jk’s actions, often sexual, violated boundaries. That’s called rape, you dipshit
No the fuck it's not. You all soft ass bitches just call anything rape these days. JK clearly stated his needs, he said he needed someone to fuck. It was Dan himself who accepted it. I know his situation and I know he needed money fast, but that's a decision HE made and HE should he the one responsiblefor it. JK never manipulated him into accepting it, he didn't even try to. and it was supposed to be only the night before a match but Dan went ahead and asked for more money, which in turn made JK to change the terms into "whenever wherever".
also if you had a working brain and the required cognitive skills, you'd realize I never once defended him in my previous comment. I just tried to give a new perspective. Yes Dan is suffering and no I'm not as heartless a person to ignore that. He might have seen this deal as the only solution and a chance that would never knock on his door again... The point I was trying to make (which flew right over your little head) was that it wasn't all fun and games for JK either. he's been under so much pressure none of you could even come close to imagine, and he never once complained. but nobody here wants to acknowledge that because it's easier to just make him the only villain in the story. as much as I love Dan as a character, he did become a personal whore for JK and there's no sugar-coating it. When there's a contract and money involved (14k a month at that) you can't just say "oh but he didn't want to do it anymore..." then he could annual the contract and fucking leave. end of the story.
another thing I'd like to mention, if JK was an actual human being that existed in our world, I would be the first person to volunteer to murder his ass. I never once condemned his actions. but this is a FICTIONAL story. not everything makes sense and it doesn't have to. some people (myself included) enjoy reading about toxic characters like JK, and it shouldn't be anyone else's business. This is all common sense but this comment section appears to have none of that.
K listen since I reread the start just for u, I take back my use of the word manipulation when Dan agreed to be JK’s sex slave. However, everything else still stands. Despite the agreement/ contract they made, it was for sex not for rape or abuse. Even if u say Dan expected it, it was still cruel beyond what most would think is ok even for fiction in this context where it’s a romance/ redemption story. Redemption in itself is insanity, I would support this story if it was a revenge plot. You like jk’s abuse and cruelty though, so you’re defending his actions. Idk why you’re trying to say that you aren’t defending him. Do you know what defending means? At least be self aware??? Like honestly I would even be much more understanding if you knew he was a piece of utter shit and liked him exactly for that bc ur a masochist or some shit, instead of trying to justify his behaviour.
And if it’s nobody else’s business that you like this type of character then why are you here writing this all to justify your preference to others? Clearly you are not just sharing another perspective, you’re here fighting to get people to agree with you. People do NOT have to understand or sympathize with you or this author’s preference. People do NOT need to have patience. Most of what you say is your opinion yet you state it like it’s fact. And I’m here to say my opinion, which is that your’s is fucked. Wtf do you mean dan could’ve just called it off? R u insane. Now dan isn’t taking jk’s money anymore and he left, the deal is called off and yet this lunatic chased him down and won’t leave him tf alone.
Just bc he was under immense pressure at times, it doesn’t mean anyone has to cut him slack for his treatment of others or his past behaviour. He didn’t complain? Yeah right! He made it everyone else’s problem whenever he was upset. There’s no reason he had to put his goal and reputation over being a somewhat decent person. He’s a staple narcissist. And people as self-centered and nonsensical in their logic as jk exist irl and they aren’t that rare, I’m sure there’s a decent amount of readers who know someone that relate with aspects of his character. I fully admit I got heated in my replies, but there’s a damn good reason this series is known as THE rapey abusive bl series. Cmon now
Oh my god do you actually have a lower IQ that joo jakeyung himself or did you just skim through my comments? (for the sake of the people around you I'm hoping it's the later) It's almost as if I said all of the above myself?
Stay with me here I'm going to break it down for you. Are you able to comprehend what the phrase "whenever wherever" implies? If yes, then do you understand what accepting an offer like that would mean? If your answer is anything other than "consent", you would be wrong, and any argument I make would not matter because you simply refuse to understand.
The thing is, absolutely not a single soul here asked for your support of this story. It's a very simple rule of reading: "don't like, don't read."
I kinda don't even want to answer the rest of your comment because it's obvious you either did not read what I said or just want to push your ideals to make yourself seem better, but I'd like to remind you my (or anyone else's for that matter) morals in real life have nothing to do with what I choose to read or what I find intriguing in my free time. You'd have to be on a different level of immature to believe in something like that. (which you apparently are)
Literally not once did I say I enjoy JK's "cruelty". It seems to me you're the one who doesn't know the meaning of "defending" but it's okay since I'll explain it to you. "To defend a person means to support them in the face of criticism, esp by argument or evidence." I listed all of his wrongdoings myself. I only mentioned why or how might he have been influenced to do what he did. I was (and still am) sick and tired of people comparing him to the Blackest of Flags out there and coming to the conclusion that JK is worse. I just don't see how what he's done can ever be compared to murder, torture, cheating or all the other things that people have mentioned.
He is bad, I've consistently admitted this fact myself, but he's not As Bad As people make him out to be. (I've repeated this like a thousand times already but you've got one thick skull.) It's almost as if I'm not speaking English with how strongly you insist to misunderstand me.
I did not justify my preferences lol why would I even need to? (honestly how did you even get to that point?) It's just tiring and annoying to see all the dumbass losers in the comments be like "who even reads this?" while they're the ones who have been following the series since day 1. Me, I read this and I enjoy it and it's no one else's business. This is fucking fiction.
the last part of your comment is too dumb I'm not even gonna bother. One look at my comments so far (+ a working brain) and you'd realize I never said/meant any of that. I don't expect much from people like you who want to make themselves feel better by lowering other people's tastes in their mind, but to not even read a piece of work but have so much to say about is quite a cheap move. Do better.
ohhh poor poor jaekyung poor jaekyung he was sooo so stressed and that’s why he just HAD to trick dan into coming to his apartment to proposition him for sex that’s why he just HAD to shove his cock into dan’s poorly prepared ass as he was actively trying to crawl away from him so roughly that dan bled and cried he was just SOOO STRESSED :((( after having his way with his perfectly consenting previous sex partner :((( jaekyung is sooo so stressed and that’s why he had to fuck dan in the public showers even though dan didn’t want to do it so bad that he hit jaekyung to try to get him to stop :((( poor poor jaekyung that’s why he had to fuck a clearly bruised and hurting dan to the point where dan passes out :((( he’s sooo stressed that’s why he had to throw away the gift dan gave him to try to make him feel better :((( why he just had to pour a can of soda over his head :((( it must be so stressful having everything you want but genuine connections with other people because you’re such a goddamn cocksucker that the only reason why people would want to spend time with you is because you have disposable income :((( you’re right i wasn’t being considerate enough of poor jaekyung’s feelings before :(((
lmao what are you going to do if I do? kys? go ahead. I don't know if you people actually don't understand or are just resisting to make yourselves seem better. whichever one it is I'm done explaining myself I don't see how repeating what I've already said like one hundred times is going to help you. you can't wake up a person who's pretending to sleep as they say. if you don't want to get it then don't but it Does bring up the question, what the hell are you doing here down the comment section of such a "shitty ass" work with THE rapiest ML of all time??? talk about being a hypocrite.
oh i know this wasn't your one and only point i frankly avoided joining this thread at first because i simply did not want to rehash the same conversation again re: consent and characterization and whatnot but i just had to laugh at "it wasn't all fun and games for JK either. he's been under so much pressure none of you could even come close to imagine, and he never once complained." now explain to me like i am 5 why me reading and commenting on this webtoon is hypocritical.
When I made that statement I specifically had their trip to USA in mind, and I don't know if any of you could (or even would want to) sympathise but I, for one, would crumble under that much pressure. I won't say I'd take it out on the closest people to me but I probably wouldn't behave as I normally do either. However I do admit at other times JK was just being an ass. (Still, there's probably a reason he's so obsessed with winning. And whatever that reason is it must put him under pressure. So I believe it stands that he's been stressed, but I also acknowledge the fact that he's not a good human being in general.)
As for your question, I think it's self-explanatory but if you Must Know, I've seen you quite a few times complaining in the comment section or making arguments. In my opinion, if you dislike something and repetitively express your lack of interest, but then continue to actively look for said "something", that makes you a hypocrite. Hope this helps!
fuck's sake.
1) consent can be revoked at any time, which does not change under a contract. yes there's such a thing as blanket consent, but even that can be revoked. the first time dan and jaekyung had sex together they were not under contract, so that argument does not even apply there. on top of that jaekyung lied to dan about why he was calling him to that apartment. he offered money for a massage, not for sex. it wasn't till dan got there that jaekyung told him it was for sex, and that he wouldn't get the money unless they had sex. that's coercion through manipulation. it's not consensual if manipulation's involved. and then jaekyung several times used physical force and/or threats against a resistant dan to further coerce him that first time. this isn't to mention all the other power dynamics at play between them that make the whole situation wildly unethical.
2) i agree, the contract did not involve jaekyung doing aftercare or anything. that doesn't mean that jaekyung has free reign to do anything he wants to dan before, during, or after sex either and i wouldn't say dan would be wrong to expect, like, basic common decency from him if nothing else. does my boss at work get to abuse me just because we're in a transactional relationship? fuck no.
3) i agree although of course i think jaekyung has more to apologize for. lol
4) i agree that the coke shit was ass and i also agree that stress can make people stressed out and do things they wouldn't normally do. but i also think there's a limit to what one can attribute to mere stress and what one should attribute to other outlying factors. the way people expel or cope with stress also has to do with learned behavior, what a person has internalized as being appropriate...i could personally understand snapping at someone out of stress, but to deliberately take my beverage and pour it over someone's head—to me personally that feels like another manifestation of how entitled jaekyung is and how little he regards the wellbeing of others. i'll give jaekyung this, we've seen him do worse when he was more AND less stressed. like slamming his previous hookup's face into a wall. or throwing shit at the wall. or going too far during simple training matches. direct me to the chapters, though, because i don't remember them well.
5) ditto what i laid out in 4 and, again, you'd have to direct me to the chapters in question because i don't remember them well.
6) well. actually so, i was about to say i agree, jaekyung isn't the exact same as he was at the start of this webtoon, he is clearly putting an abnormal and notable amount of effort into trying to track dan down and all that even if i don't personally buy that it's "love" yet (even though i know that's the intent of the author). but honestly i'm like, after their first time together jaekyung fucking spammed dan's phone i don't know how many times in the week afterwards and also had his boss try reaching out to him as well, if i remember correctly. we been known jaekyung can't take no for an answer, and sure, the reason why might've changed, but how much does that matter when the overall pattern of behavior hasn't? when it's just jaekyung using his money and fame to brute-force his way through dan's boundaries all over again?
did i ever explicitly express a lack of interest? or did i say i disliked how the story's being handled but i still want to see it through to the end? if i explicitly expressed a lack of interest i'll be the first to admit that yes, that would be hypocritical of and inaccurate for me to say, because i am clearly interested in it in many ways. it's just that "interest" can sometimes connote "liking" or "loving." i don't like or love this webtoon, so.
I've already made my points, and I've also read yours. I'm going to say let's agree to disagree, because not in a million years could you convince me that a 29yo male cannot decide if he should play along with a "lie" or be "manipulated". Dan is not a teenager, he has a brain and it's not damaged, so he could decide for himself what would be the best decision. Also he did agree to have sex for 5k that night, so while there was no contract, there was still a transaction. ALSO, I know people will come at me again but I'm going to say this. JK asks Dan if he's had experience before, and Dan suddenly becomes the dumbest person on earth and answers vaguely? Like, JK is not aware of his situation and how desperately he needs money, and the people he's came into contact with so far have been a bunch of hoes who tolerated him ONLY for money. I don't think it's too far-fetched for him to come to the conclusion that Dan must be someone like them who's just doing this for some extra cash, which is the reason he went so hard. I AM NOT SAYING WHAT HE DID WASN'T WRONG. the point I'm trying to make is that it would probably not become such a horrible memory had Dan been honest and told him that it was his first time. (JK is still an ass tho.)
also, this you?
[Why are all these people who claim to hate Jaekyung and Jinx still reading this
Akaito February 16, 2025 8:24 pm
- sunk cost fallacy
- morbid curiosity
- haterism is fun]
that's certainly one way to say why you "don't" like something...
I actually don't want to agree to disagree because now I'm a bit concerned. Yes this is a fictional work and I won't sit here and say that Dan's naivety is realistic in any sense, but at the same time I take issue with the idea that just because you're an adult, you can't be coerced or manipulated into troubling situations. That can happen to you no MATTER what age you are and for a variety of reasons, ESPECIALLY when it comes to money. How many times have we seen in real life, very real people with real wealth and status using those things to take advantage of those significantly less fortunate than them, knowing that they'll have no real recourse? Look at Elon Musk, bro! Trump! Niel Gaiman! Like I'm genuinely asking, do you know what coercion is? Like yeah sure we could say the victims in those situations should've known better or chosen better but should the person in power not be held to any account??? Like so when Jaekyung crashes out in ways that even you yourself said you couldn't justify we can attribute it to stress and we shouldn't judge him too harshly, but we're not allowed to attribute some of Dan's actions to being manipulated and he's a grown ass man who should know better???
Like okay if you want to call Dan stupid for falling for Jaekyung BLATANTLY lying to him in order to get him to his apartment in the first place, then I can also turn around and say Jaekyung's stupid for believing that Dan's experienced and going so hard. Please, go reread those first four chapters, tell me what about Dan getting flustered at Jaekyung's questions, floundering back and forth between yes and no, hiding out in the shower for an HOUR (Jaekyung's OWN WORDS), and not knowing how to prep himself SCREAMS experienced. Even IF Dan were experienced and he was doing all that, if I were a decent person, or even if I simply didn't want to catch a goddamn case...I'd simply have stopped and asked what the fuck was going on? Not throw my partner on the bed and shove my cock inside him? lmao
Anyway yes, that is me. Did you read the comment where I expanded on what I meant orrr...
Also,in the latest chapter, Jaekyung said that it was his first time giving service because he was used in receiving service before. That means Jaekyung was not in a serious relationship before and did not know how to treat a partner since he did not have one. What he have before are call boys who are only there to satisfy his needs before his match. The way he treated Dan in the first four chapters are not different from his call boys before. You are also correct that he asked Dan if he was with a man or if he have experienced,and yes,Dan said yes. Dan was given like four chances to go,but he chose to stay. Dan witnessed how brutal Jaekyung was when he was upset,but he chose to stay because no one can give him that amount. He even admitted that that amount was bigger compared to his four jobs combined. Dan was really desperate because of his life circumstances, Jaekyung did not know that. We cannot blame Dan for being at the tip of the knife. He even said that being with Jaekyung is one of the happy days of his life,he is even grateful to him.
Thank fuck u took over for me I could not deal with this cancerous shit anymore i’m here wondering if this post is rage bait or if these ppl r fr. But yeah it’s useless to counter every point, they said in their original comment talk to the wall so they even gave us a warning how sweet
Maybe these ppl are children if they don’t understand that adults literally all the fucking time irl like u said get coerced, manipulated, abused etc. like why is it ever a point to say dan should’ve known better when jk is also a grown man acting the way he does. The benefit of the doubt, the understanding, the empathy, the patience, why is jk the one deserving of that? Absolutely braindead or in the worst case rly rly fucking concerning to sympathize with the pov of a character like this and be an apologist. And fiction≠ reality but it represents it, saying it’s just fiction is just undermining everyone else’s feelings.
Hope to god these ppl r not fully functioning adults yet and can figure out basic morality and logic before they get more autonomy and their stupidity leaks outta their ass into the air where ppl can sense the negative iq aura.
This author always cooks.