Your_fav_ raging_ lesbian's experience ( All 0 )

Your_fav_ raging_ lesbian's answer ( All 9 )

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for me it’s Halo-Halo   reply
5 hours
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Reading all these comments, made me glad that I am not attracted to men   3 reply
8 hours
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This was hard for me but Paljae. This manhwa is gorgeous in every way I don’t even know where to start, the storyline ,character writing, the plot setting, the poetic writing just everything about it is phenomenal.   3 reply
2 days
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I don’t care what anyone says this ho is ugly with his long ass chin   6 reply
2 days
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My Love Mix-Up!, I Hear the Sunspot and Here U Are. I feel like all of these would be pretty successful animes too   3 reply
4 days

Your_fav_ raging_ lesbian's question ( All 7 )

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Is there any user on here that you like or just simply like their vibes? :)
5 days
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How come me don’t know that women put their period blood on their face? I was having a conversation with this guy and he was so confused when I told him that we use our period blood as skin care and that it helps with our skin. I thought this was known knowledge.
9 days
Is there any users you hate on here or have beef with?
23 days