Not to be that kind of person but it feels great to see seung ho slanders are lessening lol
Except for some fillers author tried to add (I mean I understand them bc most stories have fillers to some extent), the author did a really great job with the pacing of the story like the characters development, their reasoning and all. This is slowly making its way into my fave list now. Looking forward to the next update and my boy's backstory!
I belive the original novel used to have some rape & those kind of scenes at first but the author edited the novel bc there're too much complaints going on which is why she corrected them into attempts from them actually happening. So, there's nth you need to be wary of or anything i guess.
But the thing is there're too many novels that're even worse than the original novel out there so i suggest you don't read it if you're uncomfortable with it. There're many stories that you can choose anyway. (Just to be clear, i'm not a fan of original ver but since i love Yus' character i'm just grateful to author that she decided to change most of the things in the plot.)
And abt Yus and Ran being step siblings. It's obvious who would be the male lead from the start like the book cover and all (idk if you're too dumb to notice it lol) so again, if you don't like it, just don't continue reafing it. You can show your discomfort but you don't have any right to slander the characters or the author who worked hard for this. It's not that hard.
I don't like throwing hates or people who do the same when they can just leave it be or ignore it. That's all.
Anyway, if there's anyone who's curious abt spoilers you can ask me since there's a lot you can look forward to *wink wonk* (▰˘◡˘▰)
As i said, there's no rape anymore. There's sth rlly bad like gangbang at first but the author changed it so the official ver doesn't have those anymore. They'll be just attempted rape but there'll be some kidnapping, gory things and Ran actually going blind,etc.
For the novel,you can buy it on ridibooks or google books. The korean version is on kakao page.
The raws already covered the crown prince rape attempt. You can check it on newtoki or toonkor. You can just copy the Korean title on this manhwa's home pg and paste it in those site's search bar. The same goes for other manhwas too.
So i went to read the raws bc i can't stand this anymore and f**kkkkk HWAN LOOKS SO GOOD IN HIS BLUE COSTUME. He's actually the real one behind that blue small creature like the one that's with Chiwoo AND THE RAWS JUST ENDED THERE WTF I AM TRUSFRATED*
Anyway, Hwan's visual >>>>>> (/TДT)/
Not really. That blue stuff is his (idk wht it's called) like the pink chubby one is Chiwoo's. The chapter just ended with him showing up with that blue little chubby thing while Chiwoo's in trouble to help him and the chapter just ended there. I have no idea if he's good or bad or what's going on but Hwan looks smokin' hot in that suit so who cares lol
Can he get more pure than that? >< My girl Cana should just jump him at this point lol but checking at raws, it's going to happen anyway so I'm satisfied ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
https://tkor.ink/양판소-주인공의-아내로-살아남기 here or at newtoki mostly. you can just search it up with korean name
Not @ yall always mad at seungho when he's the one who basically got NK out of Trash inhun's influence. Yall should be glad that NK still isn't being manipulated by that trash who used NK as a tool and also whom NK claimed to love so much lol (Don't start comparing SH and that trash. SH didn't NECESSARILY use NK for anything. Just that he has some mental issues so he isn't no longer aware what love feels like or how to love someone.)
Another thing, you guys think it's rape bc SH's the one f**king NK but if their roles were to reversed, i bet most of you guys would be like OMG THAT'S HOT and not even gonna fuss over it. I don't particularly like NK or SH in this story but it's sickening when you all are victimizing NK when both of them are at faults lol that's sick.
Inhun used him for power, SH used him for sex, what’s the fucking difference? SH even raped NK so r we “sick” to victimise NK? Also i don’t give a fuck if SH has a mental health problem while it EXPLAINS HIS BEHAVIOUR IT DOES NOT EXCUSE IT Even if the roles are reversed ppl r not dumb enough to not call it rape stop making assumptions
Firstly, literally no normal person would be saying, “OMG THAT’S HOT,” rape is rape, don’t be dense. People are rightfully angry at Seungho because it’s rape (no consent..) Doing one good thing such as being “the one who basically got NK out of Trash Inhun’s influence” as you say, doesn’t give him a free pass from criticism and anger when he does bad things.. That’s like saying, “oh your abusive parents make sure to feed you, so you shouldn’t ever feel any sort of resentment when they beat you.” Like, it just does not make sense. They do one good thing to feed you but, that doesn’t mean they can beat you and that you should accept it just because they feed you. Just like that isn’t justified, so isn’t SH’s actions on NK.
Also, idk how you’re going to to say anyone is “victimizing NK” ...he was literally threatened to stay, raped on several occasions, kidnapped with the intent to torture/murder, was traumatized and threatened in order to be silenced, and then raped again by SH, breaking the trust he formed for him (and that’s not even everything that has happened to NK). How are you going to be mad and blame the victim for being,, a victim,, make it make sense,,,, Something clearly isn’t clicking in your head because you just be saying anything huh
I know it's rape (obviously) and I'm not justifying SH in any way. I don't even particularly like him but most ppl here thinks abt roles too much like if it's a btm getting on top without consent, they think it's okay while they think it's bad if it's the other way around and the case here is worse, which is why i'm bringing this up.
If you're not one of them, just ignore. By reading ur replies, im mostly sure ur not. Well maybe i misused some words for wrong ppl to think that way lmao. My bad.
Anyway, I'm not pointing out on ppl who likes and pity NK since I, too, know he's being wronged here. I'm talking abt those kind of ppl who says shit abt SH like he doesn't deserve to have weakness or any faults. He's also a poor being too. He does have their own circumstances like we know abt NK but SH's case is still in the blind so, i want ppl to think what could have cause this guy to think rape is the only way to get the person that he wants and not even knowing that love is a good thing?
Yeah, right. The therapy.
Ofc, he needs one, from a LIVING PERSON. Therapy isn't done by some medicine yknow. You guys probably have or had some mental issues too. I'm not asking anything but some sympathy would suffice.
It's just that author wants NK to be the one who should be with SH while going through all that. And It's obvious LZ 's trying to make this longer (thus,more rape) bc of your reactions. It's hilarious.
Well, it's not the point. The thing is this story happened when nobles have supremacy over everything so if you're not a noble, your consent is basically nth. It's just how it was during that era. Blame the system.
AND I'm taking time and saying all this bc i want ppl to respect author's decision to do things this way since they're the ones reading her work. No one is forcing them to. I mean her art is pretty already so she wouldn't make her main character shitty till it's helpless so don't go spouting curses at her hard work. Do respect her choice and trust her more or just drop it. That's it.
thanks for armin's pics i guess (● ̄(エ) ̄●)