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PolarBear October 5, 2024 12:22 pm

Now Jutak as well!? Why didnt I see this coming, lol.
This is so messy, I love it.

PolarBear October 5, 2024 12:14 pm

Someone put me out of my misery and just straight up tell me who the mc ends up with. I'm hoping it's Cha Gunwoo, and that the author hadn't focused on him until the right time came, but I'm losing faith and everything points towards Jay being endgame (he's gotten the most focus out of the four).
Of course I hope I'm wrong and Cha Gunwoo gets his shit together, stops prioritizing his family and finally fights for his wants!
regardless, this story got me hooked, damn.

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Shotacon enthusiast, pro-fic, really into dark kink. 30+
Kirigi Lee no.1 fan!!
Im going slightly mad
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