i cant wait for the next chapter i wish the two of them have romance or something but is fine T^T

You're fucking gross. Not only is Madoka his uncle but this kid is ten years old. Why would you want to make this about pedophilia? (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

You're right, when there comes Shonen-ai or Yaoi in this Manga I think that it whould be Chihiro and one of his friends, maybe Hino-kun? (Sorry, if my english isn't so good... I'm a young girl from germany...)

ok i cant stop crying T^T that i dont know what to say...,is soo amazing fantastic,is so touching,is like a real life story ohh no is already real life story because i remember some of my uncle story about his life to this one ,i mean they have a common sityation but not all of it cause my uncle actually get married to his boyfriend hehehehe ,a... okay i just shared something that is forbidden um what i was just trying to say is just this one is so sweet, beautifull,amzing and inspiring will for me? i dont know for the other's.will because of this i learn something new about life ^_^ actually i kinda want to read more about this but it see's that is over and short hahaha is ok aslong as i get to read this one.^_^

That's disgusting incest

what do you mean by that? okay, i'm sorry for comment something unpleasant to you. forgive me ^_^) but 'married' someone same gender or not nothing matters to you, right?
if her uncle really married with a man, u know why their family give them permission to get married? because their love is mutual and they want to live together and made they parents believe them that they'll live happily,and ect. love has really deep means, Dylan. (●'◡'●)ノ

Umm.. I think Dylan was saying that incest is not right not the gay marriage. Hope it clears up ;-)

oh is done -_- is done already?,i didnt notice i just no that the story telling just started? is there a like season 2 of this story? cause i deffinitly want to see more ^_^ by the way good job everyone for making a good story manga for us all your fans ^_^ anyway please do more i want to see more of it thanks and keep up a good and amazing work
Waiiiitiiiiiing......???Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!update now? ive been i mean We've been -_- waiting for the update for how long? i cant even remember it because is been tooolong????!!!!!T^T pleeeeeeeeeeease we want too read mooore of this manga and yor work is sooo bbeautifull