I know many ships Seunghee x Inbeom but I'm more supportive of their platonic relationship. I want them to be really good friends coz that's what Inbeom really needs right now. Someone who can neutralize him and sing their lungs out on karaoke I dont want to ruin Seunghee x Suhyeok since their realtionship is now growing and taking a nice turn. Plus Suhyeok is a good boi and I dont want his heart broken (actually no one on this deserves to be heartbroken maybe except the father and brother if they can still not accept Seunghee )
Just binged read this now... and this is some fucked up, twisted but fluffy and smutty and hilarious story. There were moments when I asked myself why am i reading this again? Because it is fucked up, twisted but fluffy and smutty and hilarious story Im satisfied that they had a happy ending.