shiishios's feed

I really liked the premise of this story, which is why I started reading it. It really overpromised and delivered extremely lackluster and mediocre storytelling.

It was very robotic in nature: first there was this guy who played games, and he fell in love with his teammate from the game, and then there was also a dom/sub thing going on which wasn't really explored properly, and some very glossed over traumatic backstory of the previous job. AND for shits and giggles let's just have him find out that the teammate was his boss all along after almost getting raped and not even address that.

There just was too much explored in less than 6 chapters that it was all crammed into very few pages, to get on with the next thing they want to cram into the story.
Also, problems were never REALLY resolved, just kind of "fixed" in one or two lines.

There are so many great mangas and mangakas who do BL but they write a solid story and explore themes by fleshing them out and ensuring that every issue/problem they introduce into the story is well resolved or create an open-ending that is satisfactory for the audience to interpret.

It looks like the author doesn't have other titles under their name so maybe they're just learning. Hopefully, they get better.