BanhBaozi July 14, 2024 8:30 pm

I'm losing my patience with this how is the novel?

    Meruemshu July 16, 2024 12:13 am

    If you are delusional enough to want something healthy it's not gonna happen and seme will remain toxic till the end.

    BanhBaozi July 16, 2024 1:27 am
    If you are delusional enough to want something healthy it's not gonna happen and seme will remain toxic till the end. Meruemshu

    I mean I have no complaints about the toxic. we all know what kinda story this is heading in lol just hoping the story will be a little more interesting than what it is right now cuz I'm snoozing

    Meruemshu July 16, 2024 5:53 am
    I mean I have no complaints about the toxic. we all know what kinda story this is heading in lol just hoping the story will be a little more interesting than what it is right now cuz I'm snoozing BanhBaozi

    I mean the uke is indeed a dumbass weakling can't lie

BanhBaozi June 16, 2024 12:25 am

This is a masterpiece. Peak cinema

BanhBaozi June 10, 2024 12:12 am

Eating good rn... But this is missing a BL tag

BanhBaozi June 8, 2024 7:31 pm

One Korean comment from the raws said they look like tarantulas fucking and I can't unsee it im

    Reader7777 June 8, 2024 8:00 pm

    i had to google to know how do look like X X

BanhBaozi May 29, 2024 8:46 am

Is it just me but the officials for this are not as good as the fan translations? They don’t have as much personality and they didn’t even clean the sfx like?? Lol anyways the scanlators did such a clean af job with everything

    ari May 30, 2024 10:20 am

    1000% agreed!! the officials made mistakes with grammar too like bruh do they not proof read? the fan translations on the other hand were perfect imo, they did such a great job

    BanhBaozi May 31, 2024 9:16 am
    1000% agreed!! the officials made mistakes with grammar too like bruh do they not proof read? the fan translations on the other hand were perfect imo, they did such a great job ari

    Yes grammar too! Publisher translators don’t get paid enough or something, id definitely hire the fan ones any day. they were super hq and high resolution

    ari May 31, 2024 9:34 am
    Yes grammar too! Publisher translators don’t get paid enough or something, id definitely hire the fan ones any day. they were super hq and high resolution BanhBaozi

    EXACTLY OMG and the cropping was so weird, with the black border and everything. man why do the people doing it for free do it a thousand times better than the "professionals"

    Oddnyan June 3, 2024 8:51 pm

    ur so right. Its dry

BanhBaozi May 27, 2024 2:35 am

Its been 3 years I hear the story is pretty good. Wish someone would pick it up. I definitely want lil bro and massage guy hit it together they seem good for each other

BanhBaozi May 26, 2024 11:15 am

Kept up with this expecting a super long tug of war between the two of them because they both seemed so hopeless it was pitiful but BAM the author really said give them growth and a second chance. I was so surprised how nice it ended. Hoping for side chapters to see how they date without being emotional wrecks hhhh pls let me see them be happy together

BanhBaozi May 14, 2024 10:19 am

I love old man yaoi forever hhhh thank you for translating!!!

BanhBaozi May 11, 2024 12:14 am

As someone who takes Adderall, lives in southern California, studied computer science, coded projects with speech recognition and AI chatbots, can't find a tech job cuz of AI, doomed on LinkedIn, this story is hitting to close to home and I hate it...

    Yoohan May 11, 2024 11:43 am

    True that.... Can't find a job cuz of AI

    gukkiecrumbs May 11, 2024 11:50 pm

    so you’re telling me I SHOULDNT pick a tech major?

    BanhBaozi May 12, 2024 12:44 am
    so you’re telling me I SHOULDNT pick a tech major? gukkiecrumbs

    Well personally ik I'm fucked as a software dev but if you have good connections/networking you might be ok... But overall this market is cooked and oversaturated

    gukkiecrumbs May 12, 2024 1:55 pm
    Well personally ik I'm fucked as a software dev but if you have good connections/networking you might be ok... But overall this market is cooked and oversaturated BanhBaozi

    can you elaborate one why it’s cooked? are all tech fields in deep shit rn? im sorry if im bothering you but i just cant find someone to ask about this because im such an introvert i have no connections nor networking so im kinda stuck

    gukkiecrumbs May 12, 2024 1:57 pm
    Well personally ik I'm fucked as a software dev but if you have good connections/networking you might be ok... But overall this market is cooked and oversaturated BanhBaozi

    but aren’t software devs pretty flexible and versatile? as in can integrate and take on jobs in a wide range of positions

    ✨L£vi's dADDęy✨ May 12, 2024 4:45 pm
    but aren’t software devs pretty flexible and versatile? as in can integrate and take on jobs in a wide range of positions gukkiecrumbs

    That's what I thought too. Esp in this economy those with software skills, computer science degrees and tech stuff are earning some of the most money.....
    It's my first time ever hearing someone with a computer science degree say their fucked considering it's the most popular degree nowadays BCS of job prospects

    BanhBaozi May 12, 2024 6:22 pm
    but aren’t software devs pretty flexible and versatile? as in can integrate and take on jobs in a wide range of positions gukkiecrumbs

    As i said it really depends. Even people who have had internships or work experience are having a hard time getting hired because companies want devs who have 5+YOE with certifications. I worked with databases and AI in my last internship and sent out 200 applications with only 4 interviews. It’s not easy as it used to be is what im saying compared to 2021. I know people who are quite smarter than me and leetcode like crazy and can’t get hired. I likely have to go in for masters if i want better chances and do more internships. In my school CS was the third popular major after business and psychology so it gives an idea how popular and competitive it is.

    BanhBaozi May 12, 2024 6:44 pm
    but aren’t software devs pretty flexible and versatile? as in can integrate and take on jobs in a wide range of positions gukkiecrumbs

    if you do want to stick to it just really focus on getting work with research and doing other gigs for better prospects. I really want to emphasize how important research, certificates, internships, and even career fairs can be. I neglected some stuff and working on getting certificates atm. Im also not great at networking so try your best.

    matsu☆ May 13, 2024 5:14 pm
    if you do want to stick to it just really focus on getting work with research and doing other gigs for better prospects. I really want to emphasize how important research, certificates, internships, and even ca... BanhBaozi

    Omg a fellow CS major knowing the industry is doomed for us I literally just had a interview for an internship last Friday but I’m shit at coding cause I barely learned for over a year after I changed majors

    BanhBaozi May 14, 2024 10:03 am
    Omg a fellow CS major knowing the industry is doomed for us I literally just had a interview for an internship last Friday but I’m shit at coding cause I barely learned for over a year after I changed major... matsu☆

    You can do it if you really enjoy

    BanhBaozi May 14, 2024 10:15 am
    You can do it if you really enjoy BanhBaozi

    It just keep going for those internships. ML, data science, webdev and AI are flooded so it’s really tough. If you pick up on network protocols, client server side programming, Docker, UNIX/Linux, devops, embedded systems like with an Arduino, or even sockets you can stand out more. There is always demand for people with that knowledge and some of it isn’t super difficult coding. I wish i knew that stuff earlier so hang in there guys you have better chances

BanhBaozi May 6, 2024 9:59 pm

Insecure loser taking out his anger on others

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