“Living as a gal is seriously the best!!” Mimiru was an introvert in middle school, but when she...

  • Author: Minami (@Minami_331251)
  • Genres: Comedy / Romance / School life / Slice of life

omg bro pink yuri??? this is sososooo adorable I'm loving their dynamic so far

Somberlyxx answered question about question
Swear I'm gonna crash out if I start seeing people who only watched the live action claiming to be orv fans.. like bro ur not gnna be one of us

STOOPPP WHY'S THIS A ONESHOT DO U WANT ME TO KMS ADHHDFJD anyway 10/10 give me more pls </3

Somberlyxx answered question about question
I had zero expectations from the beginning and didn't plan on watching it at all but the teaser is so fucking funny I mean like seriously guns??? So I'm going to watch it just for shits and giggles atp. (REALLY HOPE THE ANIMATION PULLS THROUGH THOUGH IT HASSS TO)
Somberlyxx created a topic of One room TA

this was a serious chapter and all but the cackle I just cackled after the last few panels oh my god

Somberlyxx created a topic of Futago to Futago

As a fellow bl and gl connoisseur I fully agree with u Hasegawa!! They seem soo cute together I look forward to more chapters hehe

Somberlyxx created a topic of SPY x FAMILY

Woah both her and her mom were wearing matching medical gowns (or whtver they’re called) stopp does that mean Anya was literally born in the facilities they were experimenting on her ig it was obvious but still…

Somberlyxx answered question about question
I feel so pathetic but I'm yearning over a girl I've never even met..Online relationships aren't even my thing but just arghgdhhfg yeah that's the vent
Somberlyxx asked a question

I wish furudate would drop a new series so i have a reason to live </3

Somberlyxx answered question about question
arrogant playful type who's also kind of a drama queen x stoic who is unbothered by anyone else but the other is an exception and then their opinion of the other gradually changes over time.. aand both are also very competitive (is this specific to two ships I fell in love with bc of fanfiction? yes) and erm maybe confident flirt x is smart but de......

This had sm more potential and the art is just so good too..

Somberlyxx created a topic of Please Pick My Love Too

The art's so good oml and I love their character designs!! Also the gangster kinda reminds me of taeman from killer crush hehe

Somberlyxx created a topic of Special Civil Servant

Eden HAS to get a chance to see his actual dad PLEASE (also guys i lowkey ship chana eden and maru together.. pls don't tell me it's just me..)

Somberlyxx created a topic of SPY x FAMILY

if it was around the same time as damian was born wouldn't that mean it was around when anya was born too.. maybe anya was an experiment in order for him to gain those abilities he was probably the one behind it all

Somberlyxx created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Jigu YOU of all people shouldn't be talking abt misunderstandings oml

Somberlyxx asked a question

BL recs with a dynamic similar to the couple in 'don't mix business with pleasure'