The story is both good and bad, but ultimately feels rushed. The ML pissed me off the most and the author trying to make him a caring man because he knows about periods but let his staff bully his ex fiancee and the fl, and ignored them most of the time. He honestly really didn't even care about his ex-fiancee abuse and suicide, it felt more he was angry someone was trying to come at him then her actually dying. I understand it wasn't an engagement of love, but hey, if someone i knew died, i would still feel a little sorrowful and guilt cause it was partially my fault, and happened at my home . So to me he's a yellow flag disguised as a green flag. The FL I loved how she actually has somewhat of a brain and wasn't a typical naive fl and even she felt more feelings for a women she never met then the actual arranged marriage partner. Now thats a girls girl right there, investigated and got her jusitce The crown prince deserves hell and even worse, and the maids deserve to go along with him. All in all I loved the story for being a different premise with somewhat good writing, but the execution could of been way better, in my opinion. Mainly cause I didn't even come out loving any character except the ex-fiance, Fl, and that male aid by the ml side.

I like the whole plot, but the execution could have been better. She was acting like a typical manhwa FL in the beginning. It got better, so it made it more enjoyable to read. The ML is a green flag in my opinion. I definitely liked this story a lot, I was sad he killed his friend, but I will definitely re-read it, and the kids were adorable <3

What was that ending? Nothing felt fully resolved, and I felt like more questioned were asked with the last chapter than anwsered. This story was so angsty and interesting to read, with a different premise then most manhwa's out now. I wished the author had more chapters to properly finish off the story. They were doing such a good job, I still enjoyed the story nonetheless. The kids, Lu & Lucy, were honestly the stars of the whole manhwa ♡

So cute to see the father & son happy about the news shes pregant. Still, with only 2 more chapters left, it ends at 117. Her son still has no development in his relationship, I'd honestly rather it stay centered on their family. I'm still sure they'll end up together, but I wanted more development.

The fl is annoying but girl I hate the saint even more because she reminds me of those religous crazies. You already saw that they traffic children but you still had enough faith in the priest than your friends. I'm glad you came to the realization but ppl like this that would rather believe others then their friends piss me off more then an annoying fl. Even worse I can see her saint powers helping for nothing, as they have already.

The cover & title make the story seem fluffy, yet it's anything but that. It became very dark, very quickly, but it was still satisfying & engaging to read. I see it very realistically on how the FL would become after dying 4 times, each worse then the last. So I loved it, and it was something different then usual stories. Will definitely re-read, but not for a long time. I honestly loved the Ragna <3
He's really the type to listen to his girl best friend instead of his wife. The ml is trash, he doesn't deserve the fl or a happy ending. She literally drank posion in front of you cause she knew you wouldn't believe her. Like come on, this is probably the first story where I've seen the fl lead have the brain while the ml is the naive brainless one