This story could have been great....it could have been simple, wholesome and sweet. But, no. The author had to make it sooo problematic for no reason. Make Seungyeon so creepy, manipulative and possessive it wasn't even hot. Plus, the rape that happened in the beginning gave me a bad taste. And poor Hosik, that had his life suddenly warped to fit the seme's will. Tracked him with a GPS, banned him from going to school and was too forceful with the sex. I stayed became I wanted some uwu family time but instead this psychological warfare about a man that was going to anything to get the uke, even if that meant forcing him into a life he WASN'T prepared for in the the first place. My only question is why? Why write it like this at all? In not a genius writer but all you had to do was make Hosik a little bit more certain or Seungyeon a little less crazy.
I remember there was a time where I missed the first couple and was scared that the second couple was just going to drag down the story. But 100% the opposite happened and I'm obsessed with the second couple they won my heart. They stole the show it made this five stars for me, hot as helllll. Their dynamic, chemistry and story was crafted so well