It’s giving Soon-Yi Previn and Woody Allen but BL version. Glad I read the comments and imma pass on this one

Back to what I said. He was literal 5 or 6, and he's been raising him since then. Practically like his child. Grooming comes in various forms. Isolation included. Plus judging from the way he looks at him, his "grooming " didn't just start when he started having dreams. But then again, my point is. He RAISED him like his own child so "kinda weird" is an understatement. That's like getting off to watching your OWN kid masturbate. Feel me now?

Now this is getting absolutely weird with the “Child” reference in chapter 18…. I remember there was a huge backlash about similar issues on another manhwa few week ago.

well,,, if youre talking about what i think youre talking about,,, the difference is that, as weird as it is, it just sounds like dirty talk between two consenting adults, whereas in,,, THAT one, he turned either literally or mentally into an unconsenting child mid sex. but in their defense i think i heard it was a translation error and that they fixed it?? not completely sure
Where can I find a man like him
Nuclear waste dump lmao