I'm only at chapter 39, is it just me or was her husband really irrational at the beginning? When it came to Trashta I mean, like he was infected with her shallowness. And then all of a sudden he became jealous of every man that came near his wife. So strange.

it's typical have your cake and eat it too. He is very fond of the empress, but due to the misunderstanding of the incident from when they were kids, he had no idea if he would ever get pregnant with her. He truly thought having a mistress, and not even attempting to talk to Naver would go smoothly. He has the faux fantasy of him protecting her while not even understanding her actual desires. He assumes that her work personality and public personality are the same, completely forgetting the girl he grew up with. So yeah, he's arrogant, and idiot, and extremely emotionally incompetent. Won't give her ANY of the affection he's shown a common slave with no genuine intentions at all but would rather treat her like a coworker he barely tolerates.
Twaz an update-tease