Koiba answered question about question
It's not like I posted so that you all think I am edgy. I just don't know what to do. Getting ignored and played with is killing my mind. I have been feeling like this since forever, family love is what ruining me. I sometimes thought that maybe it because they hate when I stand my ground? My brother absolutely hates it when I stand my ground again......
Koiba asked question about question

Nowadays I can't help to think of killing my family whenever I am mad, I just want to crack my brother, mother and father skull in one shot. Even tho I don't like murderers , I don't know why I am feeling this way.

Koiba created a topic of One room TA

The red head always jump on whoever he meets. Weirdo.

Koiba asked question about question

Does anyone know any good or legit adhd test for free, I need to know if I have adhd because I am going insane as times goes on. I feel like I am not matured at all.