I stumbled upon a few pics with these really nice chars, with scars and tattos and all, does anyone knows the original series?

Anyone knows the source? https://pin.it/iglppups4lbisd

1. There was an older uke and a high school seme. The uke is like a caretaker for the seme, and the seme is always bringing women home. The seme takes girls home and they think he is a university student but he's actually in high school. The uke likes the seme, and he would refuse to masturbate while thinking about the seme. Then he and the seme got into a fight while they were in the car, and the seme told the uke to get out, and the uke collapse, and was taken to the hospital. And the doctor said he fainted because he didn't masturbate for I think one or two months. They are at the hospital and the uke was in the hospital bed and the nurse gave him magazine so he can masturbate. Then the seme walk in and laugh at him for not masturbating and question him. Then the seme said he will help the uke and that's when they did it. The setting of the story was mostly the seme's house and I don't think there were any scene with the school.
》It is not CANDY by Watanabe Asia!
2. Looking for yaoi manga that a boy loved his brother and hated his male lover in his childhood (saw them had sex) and after years he was going out with a man that looks like his brother's lover. They working lab like place and after it was cleared that actually his brother was himself so it is about time travel. It was not a long story. And he tried to keep his hair long to in order to look like his brother. But one day he and his lover save a boy from past time. Then uke understood everything and decided to make new begining and start really love his lover. Even in sex scene, when seme said child was watching, he said let him. And I remember seme was big, black haired, dog like man. The child was rememering his brother in some field and at least, child was sent his time and those two scolded for interfering with the time.


sorry following

sorry following

I just read this oneshot in which there were three childhood friends, two of them are always fighting and there's this third one that's apparently the one that puts order in the place. But in reality, the two that always fight usually make out with each other, and they're M, the third one actually had a hard childhood, always seeing his mother getting beaten and in truth, beating others gets him excited.
Does anyone knows which one is this? Thanks in advance!!

maybe its the 5th chapter of this

Does anyone knows which manga is this from?? Thank u <3

Hi, I just remembered a scene from a manga I read long time ago, please help me find it:
There are these two boys that are friends, one of them is an heir to a rich family, the second one is from the family that protects the rich one. Once, the son of the servant family is mistakenly kidnapped in place of the rich heir. The head of the rich family does everything to find the boy and when the boy reunites with his rich friend, he looks all tough, telling his friend that it was alright and such. But as soon as he gets into the car to go back home, he hugs his mother tightly, crying really hard because he was really scared during the kidnapping and he didn't want his friend to find out how he truly was.
Sorry if it is confusing, that's all I can remember.

I think Mad Cinderella may be?

Anyone knows where this is from? Thank u!

Haven't read it so I'm not sure but I did an image search and it might be http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/feng_yu_jiu_tian/

Does anyone knows which magazine it is? Or the series? Looks like Yoneda Kou to me

https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u= http://natalie.mu/comic/news/192327&prev=search
I'm pretty sure it's a magazine cover, Yoneda Kou was the one to illustrate it. I think the magazine's name is Honey Milk.

From what I understand she just drew the cover for the magazine
I often stumble upon these characters on pinterest, does anyone knows the original series or at least can read korean to help me here? kkkk Thanks a LOT in advance for the good soul that will help me find this out kkkk
gahh the art looks so familiar, sorry ff!
Yeah, I found the pic on her twitter, but I was dying to know if it belonged to a long series, because I've seen those characters all over the place ヾ(☆▽☆)