Glad it got deleted because there wasn't credit for anyone who want more fanart here is the Tumblr of the artist

A reminder to the people who make a big deal out of the translators' notes that they are on an illegal website. You're not paying it's a bit rude to criticize their job. I mean someone is providing us quality translation for free. If you're not satisfied, you can wait for the official translation to catch up :)

It's exactly because they're not professional that you have no right to complain. It's not their job, they're not getting payed. As long as they translate dialogues in good English, it's fine, they can do whatever they want. If you wanna ask for more, no prob, pay for it and go to the official translation ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Oh no way I'm paying for this garbage lmao. I'd rather drop it. But it's avilable for me illegaly, so, if they are illegally translating it, they're not really in a better position than I am. It doesn't matter if they're unoffical translations. The point still stands. It's not something translators in general are expected to do. Make a twitter post or a yutube channel about your opinion but it just distracts from the story and makes the flow awful. As a translator, (official or not), you're supposed to make your job seamless and natural. This person isn't doing that. Listen, I actually agree whith most of their opinions (except how they put minho on a pedestal) but I don't want to be distracted while reading. It's like watching a movie with commentary on top of it. It's annoying. Not to mention that the notes LITERALLY GIVE FUCKING SPOILERS. They could at least stop themselves from doing that. Besides, your whole "don't like don't read" argument applies to the translators as well. They clearly hate the manhwa based on the comments, so why not just stop translating it? I guebuinely don't care if it gets dropped, but it still passes time, so I'll keep reading as long as it's avilable.

There is a difference between being official and unofficial. Unofficial translation means no responsiveness needed. They don't owe the readers anything. I understand that notes can be distracting but again, if you're not satisfied you can wait and pay for better quality. If you're not willing to pay but still want to enjoy the story, you take what they give.
The "don't like don't read" may apply to them that's not the point. They're providing me for free something I'm consuming so I'm not going to criticize them (⌒▽⌒)

I like the notes tbh and I would like to know what the translator meant by saying the author can't really take criticism

Im not sure but i think she was harsh to people who criticized her on Twitter like i don't understand Korean but there was 2 Eng comments which she answered actually i think she was in the right(i think it was abt illegal translations) but the wording was mixed with curse very duna like and Korean fans also said things like its rape or toxic but as u see nothing changed in the story but im not sure if she picked a fight with them too or not

so some international fans, who read her work pirated most likely, are harassing her on twitter and she gets pissed and that equals "the author cant take criticism" lol ok sure. hope yall are having fun harassing a real human being over a made up character. (but ofc fictional men's wellbeing is more important than an actual human woman's afterall~)
Waited so many chapters and all of the sudden we have face reveal and consensual kiss that's too much for me to handle