Propwhlst created a topic of Driver's High

Okay well this went down real quick

Propwhlst created a topic of Driver's High

Yall never watched F1 or anything??? Car crashes like that barely mean anything lol those cars can take much more

Propwhlst asked a question

Looking for a BL manga I read years ago. One of the mls had long and blonde?? hair and he was some kind of prince or sth and a bit slutty. Other guy had glasses and maybe a beard I am not sure he was dark haired and did some kind of advisor work again I am not sure. Blonde one was pushy and I remember their kid nieces falling in love in some chapter as well. Sorry its just some bits I remember

Propwhlst created a topic of Pure Love Operation

Not the timeskip and ghosting omggg

Propwhlst created a topic of Akatsuki no Yona

I have love hate relationship with this manga lol I hate how its been torturing my heart for like what 7 YEARS ?? and I still come back to read it because its just so good.

Propwhlst created a topic of A well known love affair


I binged it at night and I am now wondering if all of it was a fever dream

Propwhlst created a topic of 19 Days

Her brother is actually so fucking terrifying wtff I couldnt even breathe next to that man and some of you have audacity to blame Ruby

Propwhlst created a topic of How to Be the Chosen One

Vercion redemption arc lets goo!!!!!

Propwhlst created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

Damn choso is the only one who made me sad after Yuki

Propwhlst created a topic of In the Doghouse
Propwhlst created a topic of My Calypso

Dont cut the damn hair ffs i hate it when they do this...

Propwhlst created a topic of Red Fox

This is so damn boring . No development for the fox for 80 chapters. What even is the point? Are we reading Sona's torture porn? Neither Sona nor the fox is interesting. None of the side characters are likable. The story looks like its progressing but doesn't move an inch. No character development whatsoever. The storytelling is weird and confusing as well. I kept reading till 82 but I can't take it

Propwhlst created a topic of Waterside Night

I wanted him to torture Taeju a little bit more but this is fine too I am glad our boi is starting to feel better

Propwhlst created a topic of Slammer Dogs

what the fuck is this lmaoooo

Propwhlst created a topic of Define The Relationship

Ash u mf just talk to him omg