Omg i saw this edit on insta where “toxic” bl couples were actually gl AND IT ISN’T LEAVING MY MIND. IM LOSING MY SHIT OVER HERE. Pls pls pls if you know any lemme know i will forever hold you in my heart and pray for you. (I read sadistic beauty side story)
I have not read and never will read Rose and Champagne but this is the best toxic and spicy gl pookie
this is peak toxic yuri for me
I DON'T KNOW HOW TO LOOK FOR THEM HAVEN'T SEEN ANY EITHER. I would really appreciate if you have any lists or recommendations pls pls (⊙…⊙ )
Maybe you already read it but is the only one that comes to my mind
Here are the tags, hope it helps dear!
Will there be official uploads for this I want to start reading but the translations and the pages are kinda wonky