
They need to stop with these double updates my hopes get get up and high most of time for an old a$$ chapter

He's the whole package, he's all in
With how present he is and how he takes action right on time while doing the right thing, I thought this was ending already. We used to get some of these actions usually by the end, after the ML is done being a red flag and starts to catch on. But our Erin here, he's flawless from the start

I read many comments about how the novel was more detailed and the art delivery was not really delivering. In my opinion, this is totally normal as you can never get draw everything that was written (I am not defending the art here, just stating a fact). Also this is not the only art that shows a huge gap between it and what's going on in the novel, I have seen the same thing on other works here. I started reding this novel and man the difference between here and there is enormous. It could be a budget thing, or it could be anything else.
But the general idea is that the more visual you get with a story, the less details you deliver. A very vivid example would be movies based on books, the movie delivery is always poor and shows about 10-20% to the book readers. It's very rare to most never happened where readers were actually satisfied with a book delivery in a movie. The depth is only in books and novels.
And the art here is way too much superficial, it's like every chapter in here is illustrating the general idea of every chapter in the novel.

Teru created a topic of I Became the Villain's Mother

I want a Cassius in my life who tells me not to worry about the budget too

So it took me 2 days to read the whole thing until where the story is now (ch78). And Isekai stories are going wild with their plot twists lol.

So Blondie wants to repeat the story all the time to remain young!?!!

And didn't Cliff kill Shannon or Shane (not sure about the name, but Edith's brother) ? Why is he alive and in the prison with the maid?

Also Cliff looks like he's under a very strong spell, or like being hypnotized. Not sure if this is really how it will be explained later how is Blondie controlling them. But at the same time it doesn't make sense according to Edith's explanation, like how everything the author decides is a low no matter how silly or non logical it is. But then again, with Killian, he seemd to be under the spell of the smell of some violet flowers whenever Blondie is near to spew her venom.

But well let's see how it goes.
I just wish I didn't start it yet. Now I have to wait

Alright, I'm on 10th chapter so far and it feels like I will be disappointed by this blondie Reese or Élise. What's her deal? I already hate her

I was so invested in what that peek a boo would result in, as you can never guess a baby's reaction that was a very long silence from the baby until I read that it actually worked. I thought he would start crying again
And the father is so precious

Teru created a topic of The Taming of The Tyrant

I am on chapter 6 so far and I am confused from the very beginning.. Is Dylan the king/emperor who made the order to transform her to a sword and used her to kill everyone or is he someone else? Why did she target him?

I stopped at ch94 waiting for the right amount of chapters to load, especially for this part as I cannot handle the wait after ever chapter. Should I wait a bit more? I just want to see Cesar gets beaten up for how rude and disgusting he is. To taste his own medicine at least by getting beaten up.

Why do I feel like his mother's change of behavior might actually be to protect Karhan from something?
Based on his memory she was adoring him as a baby and for some time as a kid. Then a sudden change of behavior.
Well I hope that's the case because his character deserves to be loved and cared for.

Teru created a topic of Lies Become You

I don't want to believe it has just ended I hope there are extra chapters

Am I the only one who likes his previous style better he was looking better in black definitely. Not only for the color but for the clothing style.

Teru created a topic of I Became the Villain's Mother

The monologues here are longer than in any other story I'm reading. And they be so long and repetetive. I'm still reading this one just because I fell hard for it when it first started, but damn they're making it hard to keep up with it

It's really impressive how her brain works totally fine after all the torture, mistreatment and hardships she's seen and been through. Which I'm totally happy about and thanking the Author for, otherwise we could be reading a tragedy.
My girl is analyzing everything with such details, doing math and has such an incredible memory. It feels like it's the light, or the good feeling that touches your heart that our girl is gonna be totally fine even with everything she went through.
And seeing her all worked up about the ML feels so good and refreshing for her, she's experiencing all the good new feelings (love, jealousy, pride, anger to step out for herself and value herself..) and stepping out from the darkness she was once in.

Teru created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

What's wrong with this chapter, stopped reading after a few scrolls...

Teru created a topic of Love Doesn't Matter

I remember I started reading this besause of the cool summary it had (which is not found now). It was describing a strong female lead that chose and was able to get away from the bad male lead... And I stopped reading around the 30s chapters, waiting for more content as the story wasn't adding up with the summary, so I thought it might happen later.. But from the comments I have been reading so far, the fl is not a strong one and the ml is abusing his power over her and even rapes her?!?! Why too bad the art is so good and I guess in the end the summary was meant for another stroy and was put by mistake here then removed.

Even with the warning, I couldn't imagine it would be this disturbing that king and his servants do not deserve the luxury they have Poor Meisa

Teru created a topic of I Became the Villain's Mother

THANK GOD Roselia got hurt so that we can see some real action from Ein and Cassius here... Seeing the old cold blooded mode switched on is sooo refreshing

On another note,
I love them both but it feels like Cassius is being left out for quite a while now. Like Roselia refuses to sleep with him because she keeps having dreams about Ein being tortured, now when she got poisoned, she dreamed of Ein again, and the 1st thing she mentions when she wakes up is Ein. It starts to look like favoritism towards Ein.
I didn't read the novel and it feels like I'm missing out many details.
If anyone has any explanation, please tell me I feel so sad for Cassius being left out He deserves more

Teru created a topic of I Became the Villain's Mother

Sooo, what's the deal with the cats? Why would they add a cats' arc to the story?? It feels like a nowadays issue? Did nobles really had a thing against cats before that the author thinks it's worth talking about here?
I was so enjoying the story in the beginning because Ein and Cassius were so rational, never gave a sh!t and duh Super Villains. Their story with Roselia was cute, but it should have remained an inside doors cuteness
Why would they turn out to be so nice and forgiving towards the new king ughhh he doesn't deserve it. And he should have known the truth from his father differently
Taking care of of the orphanage and doing charity can be a plus and accepted like letting Roselia fully be in charge of it. They never needed to change their image for people, those people turned against them before people are so easy to sway so I really don't see why the story is taking such a turn. It's going south way too quickly.
But I really enjoyed this scene were Ein showed his power against this falling noble dude without needing the antidote anymore from him. Like finally!!! This is what an Einspanner Chade can do!
I read before, that the ending chapters are very disappointing but I refused to believe that and now sadly I'm feeling the disappointment myself.
When I first started reading this story, I had no problem rereading it all over again while waiting for a new chapter to update. Especially the 1st season. But after the comeback with the 17 years later or dunno how many years later, I can barely finish a chapter, sometimes I even skip reading.