Well there was not enough communication between the 2 MC and the ML sure is lacking his part of presentation and feelings, it was a bit rushed up for him. And they never talk or express things it's just continuous refusal from her side then suddenly accepting him. Like duuuh even if you're hurt cuz that cheap piece of trash, your man to be deserves some good conversation. It was like collecting stuff from here and there on each page and we have to guess most of the time and link events to each other. Lots of missing details here, lots of summing up, and lots of repetitive refusal with no progress till *poo* sleep with him right away after refusing him

It's so sad that the author of this works keeps insisting on deleting it whenever a group starts working on it. I know it is rightful for the author to do so but I it is in Korean and where it is originally posted is not accessible for everyone. Even if I want to buy it, it is not available anywhere in English there is no official English version of it yet

Since the series has already been serialised in english. I understand the artist POV in this matter. If people only view for free they don't paid for their work which is what they are entitled to. They deserve patronage for their work and like the rest of us they need to make a living to survive.
What I dont get is why authors get angry about translations of their work when there is NO serialisation yet. And when the raws are on a site like kakao or ridibooks where it's very hard to get access if you are not Korean.
And near impossible on Kakako if it's a age restricted.
They should be piss3d more at the publishers for making their work so difficult to access for foreigners. Who genuinely would offer their patronage if the setup wasnt so difficult.

Usually they don't like when people translate an unserialised manwha is cuz it discourages publishers from making an official one sibce there's already an audience and they won't get profit. Again I don't see why most publishers cant work like WEBTOONS and make it free with alternatives. I'd happily watch ads if that need be
Where's this story going ? I wonder