Why can't I leave a comment on a manga? And I mean comment NOT topic. Whenever I try it shows on my end but I don't see it when I actually click on the comments. Same thing when I log out and try to view the comments. Please y'all it's been weeks I just need people to know my opinion on a manga
What do they say because I still can't see any of my comments. Again, comments on manga not the topics. I even made an alt, still can't see it. kelele
you've only commented under the manhua sangyang the wanderer. this is the latest one: Zhou family must’ve taken some creative liberties because no way Lau is the descendent of a literal talking wolf LOL
you've only commented under the manhua sangyang the wanderer. this is the latest one: Zhou family must’ve taken some creative liberties because no way Lau is the descendent of a literal talking wolf LOL kimchi
OH WAIT is this considered a topic??? what's a comment then?
OH WAIT is this considered a topic??? what's a comment then? kimchi
When you read the latest chapter and you click next then scroll down, you can comment. Or you can click on any comics and scroll down you'll find comment section :D
When you read the latest chapter and you click next then scroll down, you can comment. Or you can click on any comics and scroll down you'll find comment section :D Bunnybunny97
yup thats what i was talking about, I can see OPs comments
no those are called topics, right above the topics you can find the comments. i've been having the same issue idk how to fix it lebron's #1 pookie bear
arent comments and topics the same though? all of my comments are under "topics"
arent comments and topics the same though? all of my comments are under "topics" kimchi
they aren't. mggos goofy cuz "topics" are what we normally would call the comments section, but the actual "comments" section is more of an area to share reviews. like i said earlier, the area ABOVE the "topics" is the "comments" section.
they aren't. mggos goofy cuz "topics" are what we normally would call the comments section, but the actual "comments" section is more of an area to share reviews. like i said earlier, the area ABOVE the "topics... lebron's #1 pookie bear
OHHH I GOT IT. damn i've been on here for years and never knew THATS the comment section
When you read the latest chapter and you click next then scroll down, you can comment. Or you can click on any comics and scroll down you'll find comment section :D Bunnybunny97
Those are called Topics. Look at the heading of that area, they're called Topics. I'm not asking for help with that, I can see my "Topics" just fine. I'm talking about the "Comments" section. For the umpteenth time, I'm asking for help with the Comments section NOT the Topics. I'm sorry for getting frustrated but I really have no clue why no one in this thread other than lebron understands this when I literally mentioned it in my original post.
Those are called Topics. Look at the heading of that area, they're called Topics. I'm not asking for help with that, I can see my "Topics" just fine. I'm talking about the "Comments" section. For the umpteenth ... kelele
I had the same issue yesterday, but have you try to close the mangago tab?
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Why can't I leave a comment on a manga? And I mean comment NOT topic. Whenever I try it shows on my end but I don't see it when I actually click on the comments. Same thing when I log out and try to view the comments. Please y'all it's been weeks I just need people to know my opinion on a manga
i can see ur comments though?
What do they say because I still can't see any of my comments. Again, comments on manga not the topics. I even made an alt, still can't see it.
you've only commented under the manhua sangyang the wanderer. this is the latest one: Zhou family must’ve taken some creative liberties because no way Lau is the descendent of a literal talking wolf LOL
OH WAIT is this considered a topic??? what's a comment then?
When you read the latest chapter and you click next then scroll down, you can comment. Or you can click on any comics and scroll down you'll find comment section :D
yup thats what i was talking about, I can see OPs comments
no those are called topics, right above the topics you can find the comments. i've been having the same issue idk how to fix it
I checked their comments and yeah you are right. Something must happen in mangago or their acc is glitching if they cant see them
arent comments and topics the same though? all of my comments are under "topics"
they aren't. mggos goofy cuz "topics" are what we normally would call the comments section, but the actual "comments" section is more of an area to share reviews. like i said earlier, the area ABOVE the "topics" is the "comments" section.
OHHH I GOT IT. damn i've been on here for years and never knew THATS the comment section
Those are called Topics. Look at the heading of that area, they're called Topics. I'm not asking for help with that, I can see my "Topics" just fine. I'm talking about the "Comments" section. For the umpteenth time, I'm asking for help with the Comments section NOT the Topics. I'm sorry for getting frustrated but I really have no clue why no one in this thread other than lebron understands this when I literally mentioned it in my original post.
I had the same issue yesterday, but have you try to close the mangago tab?