reading the comments, and i realized its a sensitive era..
way back when yaoi been established, or BL in Japan.. almost all troupe started with rape...
i know its a bad thing.. but that just becoz that time.. unlikely now...
theres still a wall between BL before, were they still hiding, some wanting to express it but couldnt, that sexual urge before was a taboo..
in a country i live for Gay are just make fun for laugh.
unlikely in Japan were Gays, boys love are meant to fall in love..
its always a rough start..
todays generation are lucky ones..
and Im really thankful for Japan...
they always the pioneer in BL manga..
and many countries just follow up, finishing touch what Japan had started.

being an older sister with 6 younger siblings, this hit to my heart....
but what many people wont see is having a wonderful siblings are blessings in life..
its really hard .
life is poor but always happy..
but sooner when all of them work and can stand on their own..
they could be very very successful..
having a loving, happy, kind foundation in life is much better than having richness but with awful character.

so i reread it again, if it makes me cry for 2nd time..
it did .
so beautiful...
feels like a true to life story but i know it is fictional...
it just..
everything about it so pure...
minato will not last long, but when u expect him die in illness, they could have prepared it but to an Accident.. which shock all of them...
and they were young...
it is very hurtful if u are blamed for death of someone...
it just so painful, beautiful and loving..
if love can easy to understand,.. i dont think there would be love as beautiful as them.