While I've always understood that there are varying degrees of rape that can at times blur the lines (statutory, incest, under the influence of substance, etc...) I think what is most important when making this distinction is the mental health of the victim and their judgement in regards to the act. When his student childishly tried to rationalize his actions by accusing sensei of not resisting enough sensei asked him, "Did you think that meant you had my consent?" and I haven't read a chapter yet in which I didn't think about those words. Consent is so important and can be revoked at anytime if you or your partner changes their mind. It's literally the reason why a 'safe word' exists. Even the most intense BDSM practitioners use a safe word, or a body gesture/alarm for plays where the sub cannot speak all because consent is so important. This was inarguably unconsentual sex and the very basis of rape, and not something either could easily forget or move past. However, with the thought that actions speak louder than words, sensei acts as though this was a hormonal mistake of adolescence and it seems as though he might even believe that he deserved being taken advantage of due to the 'disgusting' feelings he harbors toward someone who is supposed to be just a friend. I am well aware that it's incredibly common for rape victims to find ways to blame themselves but this seems like self deprecation that has been his crutch for years already. This seems like in the heat of the moment sensei jumped to the most harsh definition of what his student had done not because he saw it solely as rape or because he was traumatized by the event but rather because he wanted to punish himself and his student by making the act of sex between two men even more of a sin than he already felt by labeling it as rape.

Saw his student pinned to a wall by a guy twice his size with his tongue down his throat...immediately pulled the guy away and was ready to turn him over to the police if this was anything but completely consensual. Even better was that after he claimed it was consensual Sensei stuck around even admitting out loud that it would be awkward and asked again when Ryuu was out of the room just in case his student felt threatened to say anything before. Consent is so important! But equally as important is making sure we're looking out for one anothers safety. There is power in numbers even if we have absolutely nothing else.

Actually it is possible that they didn't know each other personally, I've been a go between for a friend before and another friend of mine found the perfect person from among their own friends for me to set the blind date with, I trusted the match because it was a friend of a friend but I wan't friends with the other person myself.
This method is still safer than online dating though, because to a certain extent your friends are staking their asses on the other person as well so there's a certain etiquette.

So, I get the knotting and bonding aspect preventing him from having sex with another alpha but I'm confused about his reaction to vomiting when he says, "Again? It's only been a couple hours." Does he think he's pregnant again? He wasn't in heat and I double checked that Dojin wore a condom this time so what was Hyesung worried about?

I have no doubt that Hyesung is with Byul. He tried to see the baby in the hospital, he was asking Heesoo if the baby was okay, he risked being caught when freedom was just inches away just to be sure someone was taking care of the baby. I would bet money that he heard Byul cry and all this pent up instinct to nurture finally had a focal point.

I swear if this ends up being a missed connection I'm going to be livid. Dojin is so attuned to Hyesung that he can smell his scent through walls. After two months of searching...there's just no way Dojin won't know he's there. Separately, Hyesung's heat is life altering and he obviously needs help. Even Dojin commented about the heat completely taking over when Hyesung would crawl into his bed, almost like he wasn't even present but rather his body was acting on its own. I hope these parents can reconcile and all of them can start over in China were he can hopefully get the medical attention required.

I love DG as a person, we see his side of the story in detail and understand him better because of this but even with that insight there's not a lot about him that commands respect. Alex sees even less of his personality and truthfully only knows this blushing uke who'll do whatever he's told and the only time he disobeys he messes things up. To Alex DG is an untrained puppy, adorable enough for you to think you just have to have him but he still piddles on the carpet and drives you insane. If ever there was a perfect moment for DG to demand Alex's respect to treat him like a man and like a lover rather than like a puppy and like a toy...this is that moment.
I love how the entire topic section is divided on chapter 3. I totally get how a sexual relationship between a 16 year old runaway and a 24 year old bum sharing and apartment with his brother could rub people the wrong way. That being said, it was consensual and without coercion. He didn't have to persuade or convince her and she never seemed scared or taken advantage of. She even seemed more mature that most adult women I know after hearing her sexual partner talking to another woman on the phone. There was no dramatic display, she just went home and didn't bother contacting him. Regardless of what the outside world thinks of a relationship, the biggest thing for me will always be the consent of both parties and that includes knowing that both are capable of consent. She was young but behaved mature beyond her years and I think her choice to consent shouldn't be discounted in order to make her a victim.