Big brother Byul was taken aback when little brother Dongho came out and probably said something he shouldn't have. They fought, little brother took off, Byul regretted his reaction immediately, tried to find his brother, ended up working at the BL hotel hoping to find him or at least hear about him eventually, meets the adorable boss he assumed was gay and observed him trying to understand what makes a man attracted to another man...but he ended up experiencing it first hand. Finally, baby brother shows back up with this obvious creeper dude probably paying for sex when he brought him to the BL hotel. Zero chance Byul's going to allow that. I'm betting he's about to scare this creeper away by telling him Dongho's underaged or a runaway or something. I kind hope he shows and aggressive side boss hasn't seen before, a little demonstration that this cute little puppy he likes to pet can be a wolf too.
He wanted so much to feel the ease and comfort that came from being a pair that he was willing to sacrifice the love he felt for another. But now, no amount of wishing he could take it back, no amount of realizing the anxiety and restlessness was worth the true happiness he could have had, no amount of medication or lies he tells himself will ever allow him a do over. This kills me about A/B/O universes. This mistake can't be undone no matter the circumstances being by force, or out of youthful stupidity, or even after the loss of their mate. This is now the rest of their life.
Discussing toxic masculinity with a group of friends, a friend's husband was going on about things that are expected of men and how it's reasonable for women to also have expectations to behave a certain way so as to avoid unwanted attention. Of course he was speechless alongside the other men with us when I asked the ladies to show them how we're told to carry our keys when we're alone at night and every girl there knew exactly how. Why we go everywhere in groups including the bathroom. I asked what were supposed to tell instead of "rape" if we're being attacked. Every woman knew to yell "fire" because "no one will come otherwise". When I asked for a show of hands off the ladies present who actually told a guy that they weren't interested and had him accept it graciously... no one could say they had. 7 women, ages 26 to 32, couldn't name a time when "just say no" was the end of the conversation. Personally, saying no has gotten me insulted and called a bitch, told me to take it as a compliment and that I should be grateful anyone even wanted me, told they wouldn't stop until they changed my mind, offered me money, and I was even violated just to name a few reactions I received myself. And it's situations like what happened here that seem like simple logic, "if you don't want people looking up your skirt then you shouldn't wear a skirt," which opens the doorway for, "If you don't want to be raped then you should just say yes." It's time to start correcting the violators, not the victims.
Be still my beating heart!