Those text messages: While it's often a cute sentiment between lovers to claim they would die without each other it's mostly and exaggeration. Two healthy loving people would know that life would go on without their lover but it's a sweet thing to say. It's also a tactic used by abusers to deter their victims from leaving. Imagine being in a crappy relationship with someone who's constantly berating you and you would have left long ago if not for the implied threat of, "I wouldn't be able to live without you." A statement that promises they'll devote their love to never letting you get away or that they will harm themselves if you do. It would never be your fault if they killed themselves but it would often feel like it was. So you stay.

I don't know what MDs end game is here, making chanwoo jealous enough to realize what he has or punishing him further for not only turning him down but accidentally introducing MD to a replacement or an entirely different MO. However, this form of play is already rubbing new the wrong way. Chanwoo is no doubt still in shock and heartbroken but expected to suddenly see who he thought was his love as his rival instead. The anger that boy must feel coupled with a master who's supposed to test his limits but keep him safe. This doesn't feel safe for him.

Like...I keep reading and I'm waiting for it to get better but this kid is a crybaby over a position he put himself in and continues to keep going back to. "I believed I was the only one in love in my relationship so I left a guy whom I loved and whom was good to me for a guy who uses me as a pocket pussy and I'm so depressed about it but completely unwilling to change anything I'm doing. I'd rather be treated like garbage than be alone or work on my issues."

It'd be nice to enjoy a delightful tale of a young man who mistakes lust for love but grows to realize that he is worth so much more and walks away from the type who's using him for his body and into the arms of someone who loves him for his soul. But this guy has spent two years tracking him down and this is BL so it's safe to say that he's about to be rewarded for his creepy efforts.