Reonnee created a topic of The Ultimate Shut-In

just like those property management games, fun!

Reonnee created a topic of Night of Shadows

chat im going to throw up it's back again finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just imagine having sound design for these scenes just the WOOOOSH and BOOGSH and the THUMPS and the PHFEEEEW and stuff would be so amazing, my heart would vibrate out my body

Asahi Azumane lookin' ahh (I love him)

Reonnee created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

dumbass miscommunication plot

Reonnee created a topic of Pick Me Up

I'm sorry but why that weapon creation with all the games kinda goofy it was so tense that it became so unserious like- BAHAHAHAHA

I just wanna say, this is the first manhwa that made me REALLYYYY want to kill. That woman is not a mother and my blood pressure is at an all time high. I am so mad that I want to cry of anger argghhhhhhhhhhhh

Nothing can surpass the Aiyen romance, Vikir better not act out that lil bitch

After the change in art style, I feel like the pacing's weirder lmaoo, still getting used to it but it's now more unhinged, not sure how to feel abt it

Reonnee created a topic of SPY x FAMILY

Hell bro I cried this chapter is so sweet and wholesome

Reonnee answered question about question
god-like mangas will come out and I'm gonna obsess over them for a whole year because fuck touching grass I only got my 2d mansluts (lovingly) and bad bitches
Reonnee answered question about first kiss
ETA by New Jeans is so vibey, actually all New Jeans songs so far are so vibey and pretty and I love them ^^

Okay, early on I hypothesized maybe all the numbers' hairs would be white/light because of Marie Antoinette syndrome (it's when a person's hair turn white due to trauma or stress) because

1) It started when I saw 005, I was like oooh! a white haired baddie, Then it got me thinking: 006 got light hair, 032 got light hair, even 001 got light hair. Is there
Σ(っ°Д °;)っ a connection?

Plus 2) Ijin's light hair doesn't match with his sister's dark hair, maybe the parents successfully divided their gene pool BUT they're Asian, so there's a higher chance they have darker hair. I was thinking, darn, this man suffered so much shit his hair turned white.

Is this perhaps? That thing that turn your hair white and stuff?

I was feeling sooo good, I thought I was cookin', ate, devoured and ruminated it all back. I searched and found out it's called Marie Antoinette syndrome, I was dancing around and felt absolutely fantastic. This is, like, the best thought I've had coming in 8 months since the year started.

But fuck me I guess, all the cud I chewed was forced out of me when 002 gang showed up with their dark aesthetic, hair and shit. I love them but why you gotta do me dirty like this man.

Nothing's proven yet, hair dye does exist, but that's just me coping. I just wanted to share this to yall so you can feel better about yourselves. OR MAYBE come back here when I'm absolutely fucking right and everyone celebrates! ヾ(☆▽☆)

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk <3

Reonnee created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

Okay, early on I hypothesized maybe all the numbers' hairs would be white/light because of Marie Antoinette syndrome (it's when a person's hair turn white due to trauma or stress) because

1) It started when I saw 005, I was like oooh! a white haired baddie, Then it got me thinking: 006 got light hair, 032 got light hair, even 001 got light hair. Is there
Σ(っ°Д °;)っ a connection?

Plus 2) Ijin's light hair doesn't match with his sister's dark hair, maybe the parents successfully divided their gene pool BUT they're Asian, so there's a higher chance they have darker hair. I was thinking, darn, this man suffered so much shit his hair turned white.

Is this perhaps? That thing that turn your hair white and stuff?

I was feeling sooo good, I thought I was cookin', ate, devoured and ruminated it all back. I searched and found out it's called Marie Antoinette syndrome, I was dancing around and felt absolutely fantastic. This is, like, the best thought I've had coming in 8 months since the year started.

But fuck me I guess, all the cud I chewed was forced out of me when 002 gang showed up with their dark aesthetic, hair and shit. I love them but why you gotta do me dirty like this man.

Nothing's proven yet, hair dye does exist, but that's just me coping. I just wanted to share this to yall so you can feel better about yourselves. OR MAYBE come back here when I'm absolutely fucking right and everyone celebrates! ヾ(☆▽☆)

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk <3