Give me bl historical manga/manwha

Historical Bl List

Here's an album with these stories...

So it a about a wife a husband and their chlid i think it their son. So this wife is a housewife she do all thr chorce do the dishes cook food and take care of the baby. The husband is always bz with work worried about co workers always come home late drinking and they had a fight and i think she said she regret married to him and so does he. So thry had a fight i think they go outside and there was a thunder strike to them and both of them turn younger thry go back to the past when there still high school. So they both make a deal never be together again and live the way they want. As they both start to have fun. The husband miss the wife and start to think the wife was just being good wife truly care for him while he always cant make time for them so he started to miss it. While the wife try so hard to forget it have fun being young. I think she was in the bus and think about all the hard days when she was still his wife but then she remember her son she started to cry bc she miss him and she felt lonely and bad. (this part makes me sad too) So they both start meeting again. That all they i can remember. I think there was a kdrama about this do idk the name but it almost similar idk.

It about a guy who broke up with his beautiful gf who like Wearing beautiful shoes/highheels. in the past she even compliment his feet is so pretty then her so she ask him to wear the shoes..and he looks amazing. After she broke up with him and move out from his house i think she left her shoes. He started to obsessed over wearing beautiful shoes. So when ever he buy expensive shoes he would wear it then upload it to a blog or something using women name. He became famous for being Having beautiful feet shoes. So i think he goes to a shop and meet a guy who makes shoes. So this guy was so desperate to find a muse saw him wearing his shoes and try to ask him to be his muse. I think he broke the shoes and ran away without paying then he was threatened to be his muse cuz there no way he can pay the price so expensive. There was a funny part where he even try to cut his dick with a sissors bc he dont a man as his muse i think

It about a beautiful girl. I think she has a curse like everytime she is in a relationship it always bad things happend to her bf. Like some accidents that make them hurt. So it became a rumors in her school that they need to stay away from her cuz she is curse. Now she is having a secret relationship with her teacher. Then oneday she saw and found out the teacher is cheating with another Girl (it actually his sister , i think the little sis hate her big bro and want him to suffer ) She Misunderstood it and was soo heartbroken she then find a voodo doll and Try to make a curse on it by stab it with something. Then the vodoo doll became a real boy after being stab. Later on.. The doll boy seem to develope a feeling on her but wont show it and also seem to hate the teacher but he dont know why seem like he cant remember. (it actually related to why the little sis hate his big bro teacher something about his death). I think the picture cover has 4 people. The story is about school life, Curse, Revenge. After she found out it was his sis not that he cheat..idk if she still has feeling for the teacher or the doll boy. If she wanna curse she need to stab the boy or something. I forgot. I havent read it for a long time plus i read it at another website so yeah. I still wanna know what happend.

AHHHHHH! I LOVED THIS! It’s incomplete and the author won’t finish it. I think they had health issues. It’s been 4 years since the last chapter was published and the publishing company said it was an indefinite hiatus. Then the author deleted their Twitter. It also ended on a huge cliffhanger! Soooo...don’t expect closure at all.

I delete my search history but then i fogot what manga i just read before i delete it. I havent even finish reading it. It about isekai gurl orange hair green eyes. She wake up from drinking to much last nite thinking of her family debt n there a male lead black hair dude just finish wash up. The male lead said she was the one who drag him to find the nearest hotel. So this male lead is duke.
Can give me link any bl historical romance ?