Anya's feed

First of all, Ariana DESERVED that K/D/A. She was revived to give the nastiest opp to her shit sister, lukewarm brother and redhead of a clown ex fiance. She deserved the good life! She exposed the shitty noble family's where theyre getting the funding. It's so satisfying to see everyone's downfall, who cares if somebody hates this mangha, if you like it, why the fuck not? I hope Elena or whatever half breed noble and commoner she was, should just wake up from her delusion and get herself out of that mindset that if she's just pretty, everyone will empathize with you. She should give up! Their actions are proven futile, Ariana has foreseen and experience the future. She's been sent by the opps, if karma won't kill you, she will make sure she does. Anyway, between the Duke and Ariana relationship, idk am I the only one who dgaf about their relationship, Duke helped Ariana a lot but like I'm not really invested in their relationship? I always skip their parts