nanigurl37's feed

nanigurl37 created a topic of Yours to Claim

It’s really interesting being able to see everyone’s differing opinions. I know when you like something it’s not fun to see people don't feel the same way about it, but it’s something to appreciate when we have different opinions without there being hatred. It’s perfectly fine for people to be sad he didn’t get with Cain, or wish they all ended single (me), or even be ecstatic that Yahwi was end game. I don’t think being upset the story went means we should tell people to drop it, because maybe even if not happy about it they want to see it to the end and just want to be able to also share their feelings. Dropping is their choice to make or not. We should be happy to be in a space where we can even have differing opinions.

Sorry random ass rant that felt really heavy on my heart.