Girl, that kid didn't deserve that but your past doesn't justify your actions
They are so freaking cute, uwahhhhhh!!!!!
I've a test today and I can tell my day is off to a good start.... (⌒▽⌒)
I love my baby sakura. Anyways, can we please know more about Sakura and Suo? Like the only thing we know about Sakura is that he had a rough past and had bad friends and now he lives alone... Can we get more context as to why his parents don't live with him or what exactly happened. Also we know nothing about Suo like absolutely nothing. I hope we get to know more about them in the future cause it's been 171 chapters already
I understand it was dumb of him, but a fucking slap? Really? Leave my baby alone (fucked up baby tbh)
Let's gooo, my pookie Ness is finally evolving, I love him
I lowkey feel bad for the noona tho, like she didn't deserve that shit too.
Guys, have hope. Subaru is just new to this and it will take time for her to even realise what she's feeling, she herself said '"Natsuzawa has a different or special place in her heart" and even if the feelings may not be strong, we can roughly estimate it to be of a "crush". Tho I'm really hoping I'm true, but even if that were not the case, let's fully support their decision .
(Tho I feel hella sad and hurt )
Okay, but like I have to wait now? Anxiety is gonna kill me
So far I'm not liking this at all. Hope it gets better
"It's your fault" Rich comming from a rapist himself, wow victim blaming is at its peak.
WAHHHHHH!!! I'm in tears. I absolutely love their friendship
Please let her not be a bitch please please please , I don't want to hate her she seems cool