Consider yourself whatever gender you like, use whatever pronouns you like, date whoever you like and have sex with whoever you like and feel free to change these preferences and labels, whenever you like. You are on this earth for a limited time. Don't get stuck in finding the right label to perfectly make yourself understandable to strangers, bec......
people on this website are either annoying, dumb, insufferable, corny, or all of the above. users here will post bad takes, trying hard to be funny with their corny ass, or have an unnecessary arguments over dumb stuff like?? it's like their basic common sense will just jump out the window the moment they log in
I can't take this shit any longer then I already have, why is it that each and every nigga I meet always have to need children??? Is it really such an important part of a serious relationship? If you want children that bad why can't you birth them yourself??? One moment they agree with you about not wanting to have any and 10 seconds later it's sud......
I've been crying-laughing over edits and tweets about the presidential debate. They were seriously acting like toddlers, it was HILARIOUS. But at the same time, we're FUCKED if any of the two win. We're like... Seriously doomed.
It's not just US idk how the entire world is just progressing backwards rn
How old are these people?! That’s beyond pathetic behavior for grown adults that are supposed to be examples for you in your collective field of work. For me personally, they could be as direct or indirect as they like but they wouldn’t be getting any money from me. Jeez acting like grade schoolers stealing other kids lunch money.
Dangerous Convenience Store , Legs That Won't Walk, Killing Stalking, Even If You Don't Love Me ... If other people enjoy them, fine & well. Nothing against the authors, we all have our path to follow :)
users that are underage and are trying to educate you on what going on in the manga. like bruh i am not here to get educated by some teenager i am here for the smut, yaoi and some good romance spice. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Okay then leave. I don't give a damn if you have a problem with this site.....good bye and don't come running back. I will continue enjoying this site because I CHOOSE to for MYSELF. You are not going to speak to me or anyone else here like little children by telling us what to do. When people have common sense and don't like something, they simp......
Lol I'm gonna get a lot of flag for this but I'll have to go Sangwoo from KS Like ngl back when season 3 started I just wanted him to end up dying and for Yoonbum to be free and at least have a hopeful end BUT its one of the rarer cases where he was written in such a way, and it was actually done really really well He's the perfect depiction of a r......
Rumspringa no Joukei. I always come back to this one and honestly, I recommend it with my whole being it's such an underrated gem.
For Lesbianism's & Shapeshifters (non lesbian people please kindly fuck off...