Just read the novel. Don't waste your time reading the manhua
There are few chapters left till it's completely translated...or you can read the remaining chapter on the mtl version but you could lose some brain cells.
Why the f. do people don't care about what Yiyun thinks? Starting from his parents. I know they're lovely and accepting ( even if they didn't ask about his relationship with Feng and just made their own conclusions but whatever) On what ground do they think it's a good idea to make Yiyun's son live with some people that are strangers to Yiyun as far as he's concerned? Am I the only one seeing how distasteful that is?
And I hope Yiyun makes Fend understand there's a boundary and "I love you" doesn't mean he's justified for all the crap he pulled.
Rourou is the only fluff here, I hope he grows to a better understanding so y'all can hate me and it's be nice to support the story on webcomics
I know he made a bad house and paid for his action but I'm sorry for all the suffering