This is a very unpopular opinion but I don't hate Khaol. You guys are so set on hating him that it's actually pretty sad. He's done wrong but think about it if that didn't happen would we have gotten the relationship we have now? Also he has admitted and apologized for his wrongs even if he wasn't forgiven, he acknowledged that what he did was terrible. You guys are so set on hating him that you can't even see that even River is concerned about his well being. That man is so hurt and broken, and everyone in this story has already pointed out his fault. So yeah I hope he gets happiness, and we already know it won't be with River. Why are you all so concerned about him getting in between those two when we were proven time and time again that they trust and love each other. I hope Khaol finds happiness even if it's not with someone. From beginning to end he has suffered and is tragic. Idk maybe I just like characters with complicated stories and situations.

You kinda contradict yourself but I understand. I mean no one really forgave him just because River decided to care about him and be kind to him again doesn't mean he forgave him but I think what makes River a wonderful character is that he isn't driven by revenge. I would've also reacted in a similar manner as River and of course I would've wished for his down fall, but after seeing that honestly he has already received his punishment and is genuinely sorry, that's punishment enough. There is nothing more you could do to make his life a living hell when it's always been

No Offense but...
Yes I agree with you that Khaol doesn't deserve this pain and suffering because he was just in love, that's all... We should just forget and forgive him because it's not his fault, right? ..
No... That's where you're wrong, that doesn't mean that you're in and hurt doesn't give you the validation and the right to hurt others... Just because he's in a pitiful situation and has asked for forgiveness, should we just forgive and forget??? So you're telling me, it's okay to forgive and forget those people who've hurt you and inflicted trauma on you and sacrificed you for the sake of their well being just because they're sorry...
We are not set on hating him, we just know how it feels to be betrayed and hurt by people who we've loved and sacrificed our life for them... And you telling us that we should pardon him because he's hurt and broken, it's like you're telling us to forgive criminals in prisons and people who stole our chance of growing happy and having a childhood just because they're sorry??
I didn't mean this to become personal and this is not an attack to you as a person but just me sharing my idea and reply to your comment.. Which triggers a lot actually...
I'm happy that River and Heil are now happily together, and yes we can say that if Khaol didn't sacrifice him for Kaveri, they wouldn't be together rn but that's wrong because killing and sacrificing River wasn't really necessary just to prove to us that they are supposed to be together with Heil... There could be other options... And we might never know... What if it ended badly? What if River didn't become a God in time??

And thats your opinion that YOU are entitled to. I am not a hateful person and I have gone through a lot, so my opinion is based off of who I am and what my thoughts are. I'm not saying everyone should forgive him because the fact is, no one in this story HAS forgiven him for the very reason that his actions aren't worth forgiving. All I said was that the comments are just very hateful towards him when all we see is him suffering regardless of his situation, which in reality is something that will always accompany him. As the God of pain, that's all he receives. So is it wrong for me to wish he would find some happiness even if it's not with someone? Is it bad that I at least want him to find happiness in his loneliness? I also just like to see things from the perspective of CHARACTERS. For me, personally, Khaol isn't a character that I hate compared to other BL characters. I'm not thinking of ifs and or buts, I'm stating my feelings according to how the story is progressing. I don't mind if everyone hates Khaol because I understand where they're coming from, I was just stating my personal and unpopular opinion and im sorry if that triggered some people.

We don't forgive him because when the sacrifice chapter happened and Khaol betrayed River, we also felt the betrayal because to some of us who wished for their happiness together had their hopes taken from them in that chapter. We know how and understand how it hurts to be betrayed by someone you had loved so wholeheartedly, River was innocent, River did all the things he could think of just to make Khaol love him, he was a mere human who didn't know better, he was just in love with the pathetic God of Pain, yes I understand that he's the God of Pain and it's his job to inflict pain on others but that doesn't mean he should really sacrifice the only person who was the "right one", who loved him, who tried to understand him, Khaol is not a bad person but he did bad things and it's not just small bad things, life changing bad things, I'm even surprised at River how he can forgive and look at someone who made his life worse and losing that life... I can see that Khaol has been regretting everything but it's now too late isn't it?

And thats how you feel and I understand that. I'm not changing my opinion. His job wasn't inflicting pain on others. His power grew from the pain HE felt and was put through. I personally believe it's only late to try to fix something if the other party says it is. River clearly shows that he's willing to see Khaol change. Of you're stuck in the past you won't be able to move forward. River said everything he felt and now is moving past that. If you're stuck in the past there's no way to move forward. Truthfully it only seems like readers have a big issue with him and that's fine. Again this is my personal thoughts and opinions and I don't expect anyone to agree with me.

I can see people have either never had a first love or didn't get the story. I know we all like(d) Lego x Mono, but to me there seemed like there wasn't going to be much of a development especially when we saw Mono receive flowers. Lego keeps getting mentioned as someone who easily falls in love and Mono was genuinely only doing his job. I think I really liked Baron and Mono's story. He was Mono's first love and obviously one he couldn't brush off as easily as he wish he could.
All in all, Lego x mono was one sided and I couldn't agree more with rose saying they should look for someone who will actually love him.
I don't understand why everyone was complaining about baron when it was obvious a third party would appear.
Some relationships just aren't meant to be and thats what I liked about this story. Its not like Mono ended up with anyone anyways, and I thought it was pretty sexy how Baron just tells him he's not a married man anymore lmao. I don't know I enjoyed both ships just one a little more than the other.

I agree, I grinned like a fool when Baron said he's not married anymore.
In the end we also know why was Mono always so sour about Rum's and Gin's first love, just as Monday's and Mananan's first love.
The art was really great, story beautiful and I really loved the pairing. That's why I really wish for more of this.

I don't think they'll get back together. I think the author is just trying to show the Khaol is truly sorry and wants to make things right for River. He clearly states he can find happiness with someone who isn't him, he just wants to make things right. I think what will end up happening is that they'll be become friends or something like that. River will stay with Heil
WHY AM I C R Y I N G!!! I wasn't expecting to cry so much at that ending but it's so nice...it's different. I loved it