Alicia created a topic of Genius Archer’s Streaming

am i hallucinating or something. I just read this in one sit and come to the comment section it feels like i'm still reading the manhwa cause the chat in there feels too real. it feels refreshing. This manhwa may lack from other manhwa cause of there is no flashy superpowers like nowadays trending plot but the natural feeling just draws me more. ヾ(☆▽☆)

i don't really excited in school violence stories. They have very slow plot and it's only about fighting for them. But this is whole another level from my prespective. How he's using the higher ups and focusing on the revenge. And that construction company oldest son becoming the heir was really good snack for the story. Like he's changing the life of everyone of his surrounding in a good way(except the bullies). It was really good reading from chapter 1 to 53 in one sitting. Very satisfied.

but keishi is so mean. if someone i interested said that it would hurt so much. And like i do that cause blah blah. suzume-san was very understanding and tried to make up too. if that was me, i probably couldn't do it cause i would be crying my eyes out at home. i'm glad they made up. but why saying it like that ╥﹏╥

Alicia created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

pls make the older brother normal. he was lunatic in his previous life. just make him normal older brother.

so the fl's second life fellus became daemon (smthng like that) that cursed every human being. And other daemons are looking for way to reverse or something i don't know just searching the rupture and met the third life's ml and fl. And before the disaster dragon comes they will reconcile or not???or at last they will meet??? i don't wanna see Fellus from other side to suffer and blame himself being coward. I'm glad he's not dead but it's so heartbreaking. And that god is the founder of the empire and somehow become god. And everytime something wrong happens he just reincarnate people. And just somehow make things work. And very last person he reincarnated died and disaster happened so he reversed time and like let them be their own cause i'm incapable or something. This is just too much plot in one manga. OMG. But it's so interesting.

Alicia created a topic of Waterside Night
Alicia created a topic of For the Musical Genius

this manhwa is so good. i just can't describe it with words. i can't hear the violin he play's but the emotions it displays felt. So so magical. ML is truly talented. And the author is just as good. The storyline is so good. Drawing the emotions this good is just incredible. And the other manhwa "to be actor" was as good as this one. Just feels like the real genius is the author. My god how is it so beautiful.

Alicia created a topic of Waterside Night
Alicia created a topic of Romance, But Not Romantic

so so so they're doing it with the security camera on???? Σ(っ°Д °;)っ like uke is aware of that?? ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Alicia created a topic of Beyond Memories

i'm confused cause of the comments. it's their second life? and ml is redeeming himself? and if he was so cruel how he knows mc's preferences almost everything. If it was me i would never tell them to this kind person who's treating me like garbage. And how did this second life begin? Like mc committed suicide using gun or something? Ml was very sensitive about that gun in his study. And when mc dies he realizes everything and regretted and one day he came back in time? and someone mentioned about ml's family treated mc bad and brother has something in it too. And how everyone knows this? is there novel? And how near is that second life explanation in the webtoon? I'm not very keen on novel's pls someone explain to me ╥﹏╥

i think ethon tries to do the good deed. He was reminsicing the past about that red haired girl and green haired prince and maybe found a solution about that matter. And yea, this time it was intentional. Look at the ethan's smile. He was trying to ruin the proposal. Go for it

Alicia created a topic of The Villainess Lives Twice

this manga is so long, and before i just read till chap 30. Is it worth continue? pls someone tell me

This manga is pure mess. Everything starts to settle and another one just pops out. Little bit uncomfortalbe to read but wanna see fl and ml screw all this bitches hha

Alicia created a topic of Go Away Romeo

Such a cliffhanger. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Alicia created a topic of Cry, Even Better If You Beg

it will be long and torturing. Even it's 24th chapter, we reading in circle. Maybe that's human emotion

Alicia created a topic of Cry, Even Better If You Beg

i think they fall in love first sight. And layla not loving kyle is cause of that. If she understood there is man for her kyle is the safest choice. And duke is sooo mean. Eventhough he thought layla is not worthy he doesn't like that layla not mesmerized with him. He is mesmerized to layla cause she doesn't want to be with him. And layla doesn't need man, cause she has uncle. Maybe age gap is big but best man is uncle hhaha (joking, but uncle is hot, and hardheaded but caring(▰˘◡˘▰))

i don't know why, but from the start merchant was the ml for me. On first chapter fl was choosing smthg and only one she can't predict was him. And for fl most safe choice is him too. If she choose crown prince, she will be empress and saint at that. She doesn't want that much attention if i see from her personality. And if she choose pope, i don't know he's little dangerous as i recall he was preparing room for her to stay underground hha. Yea, he is loyal, but not at the start. Merchant is the safest, she will be have happy life i think . And some people like demon will be ml. i can't really picture it. He's just villian in my eyes. Cause plot was becoming little bit bland, and some infact was neccecary, so there is rift i think. Just my opinion. So let's just enjoy the plot (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Alicia created a topic of Go Away Romeo

It will be long and torturing huh.

i'm searching for good manga to read at night. But wtf is this. I can't even blame the duke. Fl is dumb i guess. Anyone would take advantage of that. It will be more intense in manga world lol. i don't even have word. F