Sometimes I feel the urge to break my habits and kinda "restart". Then I arrange a few days off and ckeck train and flight ticket prices to destinations where I wasn't before. I pick the next available flight or train for that off-work time and travel that destination. I don't do much preparation beforehand, and I don't make a sightseeing shedule, ...... reply
in my opinion most webtoon storylines are too stretched out, while not making use of the possibility to deepen the character building and so on. so i kinda read a webtoon for a dozen of chapters and then loose interest. except for the really trashy/weird ones, which I enjoy a lot - dunno why :D reply
fourtysomething, female, centre of germany... elemental school teacher and one child who is also very addicted to manga and anime.
I read manga since i was 15, i stumbled upon shounen ai/yaoi when i was around 20. since then... addicted. ;) reply