The only thing I see in the comments is hate and more hate if you continue reading is cause you liked it in a way if you don't like why brother reading it. And if you are after the sex well welcome to hell no one say it would be a soft ploffy world full of love this world has trash good trash bad trash.

Am just way too abnormal or just dgaf that I'm rooting for the guy to story alone and happy. An I don't care the fact if he end with black or white guy. Hate me but I dkw but I prefer black because it will give us more story then the white guy. I just want to have fun reading this and I like to see more of the interaction so I can have a better enjoyment at reading this. And sometimes reading something that's not always fluffy love

And you are getting all pump up because of a color skin. Not the fact that I prefer she bad guy so that there will be more story then the good guy? So I'm asking you for help because if I say I'm Caucasian means I'm racist? Wow. So then tell me please how to I say it without hurting someone bey telling the the skin color when I don't even know there name?

I didn’t call you anything I don’t care what you are or where you are from I dont fucking care sostop bringing it up. You said “black guy” and “white guy” which MANY people think means skin color if you were talking about hair you should’ve added the word hair since what’s his face guys hair is blonde and the others hair is dark brown or black just saying “black guy white guy” will lead to misunderstanding so stfu about where you’re from and don’t get all “eugh” because you made a misleading comment

And fore a full misleading that looks that I did wrong still doesn't help me understand your comment of race doesn't have anything to do with a relationship. If you see I don't care if the bad guy is black or white green or blue but what I said is that I go with the bad got that is black skin and hair because we will get too se more story then we would have with the white skin blond hair guy
I love when the buff guy is an uke in personally (and more if he's fully the uke). I think its absolutely adorable.
( ◜‿◝ )♡
I can't stop myself thinking like that. Help!
how do you know the buff guy is the uke? he has a uke face but in the cover he looks like a seme
I think that the buff guy is the seme that has cute face/personality. But not only by the cover. The real uke is the uke because he has "uke personality" (I've read yaoi long enough to know who is uke and who is seme just by the way they are acting, what they are saying, the way they say it, their eyes, and their bodies too. I can be wrong sometimes of course, but I'm 90% of the time correct. The cover is the easiest way to find out, but sometimes even the covers don't show enough informations about it).
I wasn't saying that this was the case I was saying more then anything that buff guy that have a cute personality are my favorite time of manga. I was just saying no need to puff your feathers for it. Please I don't wanna fight for something like this am an easy going person so don't take to heart that am assuming the he's an uke for the personality but I didn't know how to put it in other words I was just happy about it.
Why do you think we are fighting? i just asked because im pretty sure the buff guy is the seme but though maybe you saw the raws
Damn, ego at its finest
Oh, I didn't mean to fight you, don't worry. I just said my thoughts.
Oh, no, I didn't mean it that way, I just wanted to say that I don't think that the buff guy is the use, and all I said was why I think he isn't. I didn't mean it in a way of "Hey people, I'm smart" or something. I just wanted to explain myself.
uke* lol XD
Don't worry you didn't even sound egotistical. I'm kinda the same way with being able to guess who is the uke or seme. Usually from repeated stereotypes.
She didnt have to brag about it, kinda cringe
Yeah, I know, I'm sorry XD
It wasnt even bragging though. I don't know why she is apologising.... but anyways, enjoy your day.
Yeah she doesn't have to apologize it's nothing serious, I just pointed it out
╮( ̄∇ ̄") ╭
I apologized because... I don't know why XD I just did? But whatever.
Enjoy your day too
Also sorry if I made you uncomfortable
No, you didn't! Don't worry about it ^_^
We're both from Mars by the way, lol XD (I accidentally pressed on your picture, and it opened your profile)
XD I wonder what the language would be