Wow i seperate art and the artist, i enjoy her art even thought the author is problematic, but for people who support her for being problematic, i hope you become one of her victim and say that again
Well she was scaming and faking her race,bf ,story, and mental illness.
Btw iam not asking to hate her or stop reading this comic, this is good story and I recommended to u if you a fujoahi, this is perfect bl comic.
Its just the author have a character problematic and thats why in the comment section is chaos because pro and kontra.
One side is still angy with the author, and one side is saying just “forgive her, past is the past”. Like kpop idol who have scandal bullying, theyre hve pro kontra
You guys should read the article it's really serious it includes a lot of scamming and this is not something that should be taken lightly it's a serious crime there's even a warning about her: Be warned that she’s good at making up sob stories and fake her looks and her boyfriend(s) existence (which turns out to be stolen/heavily edited pics), and also the stories about her being abused and sick were all scams. She fake so much about her life so I don’t buy any of this apology -
If its not too bothersome, could you explain whats going on? Who is she?
Eh I'm not paying. So I don't feel bad reading. Their are tons of absolute scum authors. Some of the best books were written by horrible people. We should acknowledge any issues.
Scamming people for money is horrible. But at the same time..since it is pattern behavior, she likely is not only a horrible person, but has mental issues
The fiction is good tho. So ima read it and just not support her. Ez. But at the same time. Humans all are horrible people. Some get caught. And some don't.
The actress that was fired from the mandalorian....that was complete bs unjustified...if you read her original tweets. It was an insane Twitter mob.
Did you see the "Mumford and sons," banjo player who quit the band. He read and praised a book by Andy Ngo, called, "unmasked," it is about antifa...its actions recently and in history. He had simply been recording video from protests, and riots, a few years back, and ended up beat up(a freakin headbleed,) and covered in milkshakes and quick concrete! After wards, he continued his reporting, with many death threats and danger. He published the book,(which is great and very informative. Shows how bad and violent groups can wear a mask of 'they are only anti facist,' when in reality they violently and cruelly lash out at anyone who doesn't worship their ideology.) The Banjo player simply praised the book, and had been cancelled and bullied to follow the "correct," opinion, or else.
In the tweet where the banjo player left the group because he didn't want to be forced to self censor and appease the mob anymore...You can see people lying and slandering Andy Ngo. They call him an alt right white supremacist(he is the kid of Vietnam refugees.) They say he leaks info to white supremacists groups...which is an insane lie... and recently Andy Ngo was assaulted, AGAIN... Chased through the streets, and forced to hide in a hotel.. seriously.. look it up. And people are cheering on the attackers. That is insane!
All andy has done is film protests, write a book, speak at some events, and publish the stories of the numerous RIOTERS (not protesters, but SERIAL arrested rioters)... because Portland District Attorney, just releases violent felon rioters...who commit literal felonies while rioting...without charges, over and over! It is actually a really gross and dangerous story.
That a DA will charge one group for protesting and defending themselves, but not charge the attacking antifa. It is scary..and a bad precedent.
I recomend checking out andy Ngg YouTube channel yourself.it proves that a lot of the blue check Mark's on twitter... are not believable. And more importantly, that people forward info without confirming it.
Now I am not saying this author is innocent. There is a lot of damming evidence. But till they end up charged with a crime. We should all say she has allegedly done it. After that. Then it is fine.
Similar to the Chauvin case. He was likely guilty...but the trial? It was not fair at all! Pure theater. With politicans and people threatening to riot if the "correct," verdict wasn't reached. That is not justice. Even after he was given much higher charges than he should have been given...and given 22 years sentence...people are still not happy. Now I agree he needed to be held responsible for his actions. But I think this mob justice popping up everywhere is a very dangerous precedent.
The Mumford and sons banjo player is being given frakkin DEATH THREATS. For liking a book. THAT IS INSANE
I see your point but if that’s the case why do u have the book saved and on an illegal website yourself?
Do you really get the point ?
Being 100...no- I couldn't tell if u were talking bout the Arthur of the book or the person who translates the book...
I never read the title just the para- nvm