Can someone explain what the fuck are going on ?? Like what does the empress want with ettiene ?? Why he carry her orders and do not wanna associate with rishar ??

Ommmmmggggggg yeass another isekai manga with lots of hotiesssssss

Joud created a topic of Darling’s Vanishing Act

I feel bad for the mole…..

I’m dropping because of this! I absolutely hate the ones who don’t understand their surroundings like the stepmother is so trash that she talks about your late wife and daughter in front of you and you don’t say nothing?!’bbb

Joud created a topic of He's a Girl | ×Official

Can anyone please explain what is goin on

Joud created a topic of Raising My Husband

Idk but the FL is dump and doesn’t stand up for herself
And that pisses THE FUCK out of me #-.-)

Joud created a topic of Omega Slave Capture Report

I ABSOLUTELY HATE anything associated with rape story’s. I thought this one gonna more like a developing character and in the end they love each others. Very disappointed.

Joud created a topic of yukue fumei

Why do yall say its garbage? I don’t see where the problem is in this manga. Unless the murdering that is.

Joud created a topic of yukue fumei

Why do yall say its garbage? I don’t see where the problem is in this manga. Unless the murdering that is.