Can someone explain what the fuck are going on ?? Like what does the empress want with ettiene ?? Why he carry her orders and do not wanna associate with rishar ??
I’m dropping because of this! I absolutely hate the ones who don’t understand their surroundings like the stepmother is so trash that she talks about your late wife and daughter in front of you and you don’t say nothing?!’bbb
I ABSOLUTELY HATE anything associated with rape story’s. I thought this one gonna more like a developing character and in the end they love each others. Very disappointed.
It's not people hate mangas cuz they black and white and give stupid ass colorful manhwas 9 rating and call them masterpiece that's the difference RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼
It's not people hate mangas cuz they black and white and give stupid ass colorful manhwas 9 rating and call them masterpiece that's the difference RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼
You can’t trust the rating system at all. MadeInTaiwan
I never trust i have read some stories which has 7 and have one of the most mind blowing plot I ever witness and has most interesting users here become very weird over years and trusting rating is useless now
I never trust i have read some stories which has 7 and have one of the most mind blowing plot I ever witness and has most interesting users here become very weird over years and trusting rating is useless no... RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼
Absolutely! While some stories with terrible plots or poorly written characters will have like a 9.4 rating.
Can someone explain what the fuck are going on ?? Like what does the empress want with ettiene ?? Why he carry her orders and do not wanna associate with rishar ??
She's using him to gain power, basically a puppet king.
Why the dislike , i was just asking a genuine question
Then why does he obey her every time?
Because she’s crazy af