I love nagireo but I want to see what happen next with RinSagi and KaiSagi
U guys gonna explode.. next chapter they're on the way home then met Ian's mom. She scold them, accusing them skipping school even when Ian told her that Yugun is sick. She mad and start blabbing that Ian's change was because of Yugun bad influence.
I wish u're all real guys
I want to hear ur song pls
I have this strong urge to pull his pants down.. the raksasha i mean
I know he was in pain cuz his arm got sucied but holy.. his expression make me feel something
From the season 3 preview I think they'll make it 'till Cheongryu truth reveal or the first concert, I'm so excited
Ooh i thought the president was more like an old man not this handsome uncle haha
Glad I read this when the main story is complete. If I read this while still on going I cant even imagine how frustating it was seeing their miscommunication
The thing I like the most about this story is how each characters emotions were so human, like not over dramatic(?).. idk how to describe it but I feel its easy to understand, even when they make a mistake, hurtful, hateful, etc
I hate her too.. but seeing her made me think that maybe some people especially a mom i met irl who bragged about their child have some mental problems still hate her tho
Anyone pls link me if u know Kiis and rinsagi fanfic where they're in triangle love
They fucked for 4 days on their wedding night and a week on their honeymoon
One of my favorite moment of Hayoung and Dokja in the novel