so, i've skimmed through the raws and ml is gonna stay insane, i think he's really plotting something but we'll see. honestly, i'm here for it, i was scared this manhwa would do a complete 180 but it seems like the overall tone and vibe of the story is not gonna change, i could even go as far as to say it's gonna get darker and more fucked up.
also I LOVEEE the artstyle, it suits the story so well and makes it even more dramatic, adds a little spice, adds something to the atmosphere, and the author has a real talent to draw expressions!!!

looking back and the dangerous convenience store i have high expectations and hopes, and i believe in gusao's writing supremacy, also their talent to write good mls. talking about green and red flags I'M SURE this is going to be full of consent and the ml won't end up being a certified asshole... i believe in you author sir please don't let me down
also i just wanna say that i love the story so far and their dynamics. the author is hitting all the right spots with this one..

i opened the novel on a random chapter and it basically started with jigu pissing in yeowoon's ass, while fucking of course, and not on purpose. oh, how i love pathetic but lovely tops.

here you go babes https://springofromance.com/chapter/tgmnd-142/
fuck i love this so much!!!!!!!