I know it's not just me but this was probably the second manga I ever read, and after that I've been exposed to a lot of things. I still love the story and characters but ever wonder if you hadn't chose to read this but read all the other mangas you read, if you would've ever choose to read this? I feel like now if I read the description I would've thought it was boring and stereotypical but since I did read I remember all the funny moments and the relationships between the characters( Ryuu x Finn OTP!!!!) Actually if I read enough I probably would've got invested again...
I like comedy, so in a scale from 1 - 10 how funny would you rare this manga?
Uhhhh.....maybe like a 2?
This manga is more dark and twisted than funny. There's comedic relief, yeah, but its either really jarring or only a few good moments. The first few chapters are more lighthearted than the rest of the manga, so don't judge too much based on those.
Still definitely recommend this manga 100%, great characters, unique dynamics, interesting story, nice setting, pretty illustrations, lots of foreshadowing and subtleties, etc.
Its really good. It's just not comedy.
I really want to read this but I honestly hate the art style a lot... Someone please tell me exactly how funny the manga is on a scale from 1 to 10?
im probably biased when i say this because this is one of my favourite shojo mangas of all time but this manga is definitely worth your time it's one of the funniest, most loveable story out there hhh i know the art is outdated but don't let that stop you from reading this gem!! you should never judge a book by it's cover you'll miss on a lot of great works if you keep going that way!
I'm going to be honest. This doesn't actually cover 8 chapters. This is only three chapters at best. I'm sorry the manga sites have been lying to everyone. What's worse, we never got to meet Shiki... Such a beautiful boy...