A_San October 31, 2020 5:21 pm

Honestly I hope the uke and seme divorce fast and uke find a better man
I mean the seme dare bring another dude home =~=
They dun seem to have a polygamous rs so BYE BITCH DIVORCE TIME

A_San October 30, 2020 8:15 pm

I feel bad for nuah
But dude if I’m rix and nuah doesn’t do anything while I got fucking rape by some other guy
I’m gonna be hella pissed lol
I mean rix prob know his situation too but like can u forgive someone who let u get raped by some random dude
So this is prob the best solution if not the ship might end up going down the drain
I wonder how rix will react the next morning
He still bj some random guy:( FUCK

A_San October 29, 2020 7:59 am

The third couple only become couple ish when the kid actually grew to become the old guy’s age
Like not 20s or smth but around 35-50? Ish
So maybe the old guy won’t see him as a kid anymore and the kid won’t be immature around that age so yea

    Kylienova October 29, 2020 3:45 pm

    Exactly! I mean, even the older dude see himself as a kind of parent to him. How are they going to become a couple at this point?

    A_San October 29, 2020 5:36 pm
    Exactly! I mean, even the older dude see himself as a kind of parent to him. How are they going to become a couple at this point? Kylienova

    Yea hope they only start dating when the kid looks closer to the demon’s age
    If he looks more matured, the demon won’t try to see him as his child or smth lol

A_San October 20, 2020 7:03 pm

This is the second manga I read these two days with the guy bumping into big man tiddies
The ukes even look similar
Exact same hair lmao

A_San October 19, 2020 7:08 pm

I think we’re gonna have to be more open to mustaches and stuff lol
It’s not really nice to criticize someone’s becoz of a mustache or beard
Do I like it l? Not really but I know there are people who have them becoz they like it
I know it’s just a fictional character
But there will be real people with those mustaches lol

    supremecurt October 21, 2020 11:23 pm

    i absolutely have no problem with irl men with facial hair, but the way this manga guy's mustache looks like a misshapen eyebrow just irks me lmao. i love nishida higashi but this look aint it lol

A_San October 18, 2020 5:16 pm

So the uke is the asshole now lol
Also I have a sense that the seme is also a hidden asshole of some sort idk
He could have just been a badass type dude lol
He seems very calm in the situation so he’s definitely not easy to fool either
Like the calculating type hmmmmmm
Very interesting tho
I hope the seme is not that great or the uke changes
I dun want the seme to be too good for uke so yea

    peevacorn October 18, 2020 5:47 pm

    There's something fun about the assholes beings the bottoms xD

    A_San October 18, 2020 5:48 pm
    There's something fun about the assholes beings the bottoms xD peevacorn

    Lol I totally getchaaa
    It’s fun to see how arrogant they are until they get top by the seme lmao

    peevacorn October 18, 2020 6:04 pm
    Lol I totally getchaaa It’s fun to see how arrogant they are until they get top by the seme lmao A_San

    Also because it shows they aren't weak unlike a lot of ukes in manga

A_San October 18, 2020 11:35 am

Was the manga implying Snow White has been sleeping with the king

    glizzydestroyer December 7, 2020 4:39 am

    i think so which is fucked bc aint she (1) a minor and (2) an adopted daughter

A_San October 18, 2020 11:22 am

Spare me some raws pls

A_San October 18, 2020 10:22 am

I have never been diagnosed as OCD or whatever becoz we dun really have access to psychologists and it’s unusual to get OCD or stuff like that check if it’s not causing any big problem in our country
But people tend to say I am for some reason and I do have some things thag I have to follow
I researched about OCD a bit
And I could just be at the beginning level lol
I relate to Sangwoo here ( never thought I’ll say this )
I’ll be hella pissed if some guy does the thing the red head does
And I’m not exaggerating it

I could start being extremely anxious when things dun get it order and starts major affecting my mood
I would get close to a big rage or mental breakdown if it happens in a row

If the coffee I always drink is intentionally bought by someone
So I hope the red head stops if Sangwoo has ocd or smth
It’s seriously very very very problematic

A_San October 18, 2020 10:09 am

So usually “rape” in most yaoi is in the gray zone and this “rape” here is a hard BAD
Like wtf why would he slash Uke’s fucking chest like that
And the cat ear boy had to fuckinh see it Ugh
I dun like the uke making excuses that much
A crime is a crime
I dun like the dude Minagi for bringing up beast this and that but apart from that
He’s right
Seme fucking choked, raped and injured uke

Pls give me some good redemption arc that could make all that forgivable but I dun see any thing that can be done to save this shit

He needs to get the cops called on him

Plus a slash like that on the chest would leave scar and stitches are prob needed
He would have died from blood loss
Haven’t people heard of dying from being attacked by lions
I remember this guy survived from a lion attack but he ended up with scars on his head from the claws
The dude is like a BIG ASS LION

    Bruce October 18, 2020 10:47 am

    No good redemption arc could ever make rape forgivable, so i think youre right. The rapist could have the saddest back story in the world and he would still be a rapist.
    (I read the warning about this having rape, but since this seems to be a new manga i thought they would portray it a little better than the classics where rape is just glossed over like its an everyday phenomenon.)

    Namika October 18, 2020 12:01 pm
    No good redemption arc could ever make rape forgivable, so i think youre right. The rapist could have the saddest back story in the world and he would still be a rapist. (I read the warning about this having ra... Bruce

    Preach, sister. I hate the logic uke used there. What bullshit.

    Maoooo October 18, 2020 4:55 pm

    The ukes just an idiot...fckin let it slipped all away like nothing fukin happened...im with minagi

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