Fightin-Bob-Evans's experience ( All 0 )

Fightin-Bob-Evans's answer ( All 1 )

1) Rape --> love plots. I mean rape in general is bad but I especially hate the ones where the victim & rapist stay happily ever after like sexual violence isn't incredibly emotionally damaging. 2) Owl-human hybrids/adults who look like children/actual children. I actually made a list of yaoi featuring normal-bodied adults cause it's real unpleasan......   reply
13 12,2018

Fightin-Bob-Evans's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

“ i felt a hole in my soul this evening, i thought it wuld b different after i left treatment, i stood up to a demon, momma u shlda seen it”

5 hours
want to do watch anime

How to watch

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did discuss a movie

About Monsters, the Netflix series. We talked about it for hours and other cases. The survivors deserve to be free. FUCK THE ABUSERS. DIE.

14 hours