THIS BETTER BE WHAT IT SAYS ON THE TIN bc for FUCKs sake there is so, sooooooooo much bad BDSM out there but then again in Yaoi land even consensual is a stretch let alone safe or sane. But this! Is promising big tittied horny ahjuicies going about it the proper way!! I am daring to let my hopes run high...please don't disappoint me author-nim...

Endo even more starved for affection than Sakura confirmed. I mean, he's still a piece of shit but damn son he's been in love with a psycho who literally never looks at him for years
Also all these commenters whining about the gayness, fuck off with your baby-ass sensibilities back to pokemon or whatever

What a frickin noodle spined protagonist, holy god why is every str8 manga about some chick with zero self esteem spiraling over problems that could be fixed with like, half an hour of communication?! This could have been a charming series about a couple finding things they like to do with each other but noooo instead we have dumb bitches terrified of being dumped (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Why's a perfectly good story about objectification of the male body gotta be ruined by instant non-con? (╯°Д °)╯╧╧