Give me your favorite BLs that were made from 2024 till now. Which one will you give an award for? And tell me why you think the BL deserves the award. For me, I think 2024 and 2025 are the years of BLs. There are a lot of new BLs that are interesting for me, at least, so I'm curious about your answer.
4 days
(I have so much shit to spill so I'll just start off with my cousin and make another post about my brother)
Okay, I've recently found out in one of my mother's annual trauma spilling and family shit-talking session/reunion between me and my siblings that my cousin participated in INCEST with another cousin of mine (both from my dad's side)...and g......
Spill random tea for me, I'm bored.
5 days
I just finished crying because my poop got stuck in my ass and it took me an hour to finally push it out
09 12,2024
Divinity x SacrificeA nonhuman marriage that mends a frozen heart....
- Author: MORI Moyori
- Genres: Fantasy / Romance / Yaoi
gahaywgdyqvdhywqbchysb i frickin love gays