Too bad, it was a good start but this story is too quick. At the end of the first chapter, the naive uke asks why Luka is giving him flowers. And soon in chapter 2, they're both in love and have sex.
And Luka who says: "I've always wanted to do that"
... since the two days I met you.^^
I would have prefered a story more realistic and unusual, with a slower pace. Really, it's too bad!

Kubo has a lot of imagination to create all those situations and things but I'd like to see him move on another thing.
I like Bleach but I think that Kubo write his story following two cycles: one cycle is good with a great plot, really interesting characters and fights, important things that we learn, a good humour, etc... and a bad cycle including a boring plot, too long and meaningless fights, dull characters, idiotic humour, etc... and I think we are in a bad cycle now
I appreciated what we recently learn about Jugo and Bazz B and their childhood. But the story is too long to implement and I think it's boring. I'd like to have news of Ichigo, Grimmjow, Ishida and the others, and move on something more interesting, which made me like Bleach from the start of this story.

I've just read this story for the first time and I'll definitely read this other parts of this manga. The idea of the werecats are very interesting and the drawings are beautiful. I like the characters too and the possessiveness of Kagami towards Shingo.
The only thing that I regret is the aspect a little bit awkward of the sequence of the scenes. It seems to me a little bit rushed. I mean, Shingo was raped by Kagami at first. He was angry but let Kagami have sex with him because of his attraction for him (his scent). Kagami went in a desert for nearly a month and it's the day of his return that Shingo is ready to have sex with another guy. It was predictable. And I also think the scene of Shingo "slipping" in a box while in his cat form and Kagami talking to him and playing again the scene of Shingo's abandonment was really awkward.
I certainly think that some of you won't agree with me. Everyone can see a story differently. I cannot say I didn't enjoy this reading and this story but I hope the rest of the manga will be better :)

I like this story but I hate this chapter and what Kuze and Karino forced Atsumu and Azusa to do.
This sadistic game with the cards, and the power or the fear it gives if you're "lucky" or not, made the pupils of this school crazy.
I feel really sad for Atsumu and Azusa and I hope they are going to make Kuze and Karino regret their behaviour, not with violence but with their feelings. Because I still think that Karino is in love with Azusa and Kuze with Atsumu but they certainly don't know how to express their love other than with sadism and madness because that is what they live daily in this school.
I'm still looking forward to the next chapter because I want to know what will happen next, but I hope not to have to read another scene like this.

OMG! I'm really shoked by the seme of the chapter 6. I didn't expect that at all. He's completely crazy. He could have killed the one he says he loves. If I were the uke, I'd be very scared.
And I wonder what would happen in the story after the uke realized how far the seme could go and what he could do again to have him. If the seme "loves" him, he won't be satisfied with just one sexual relationship.

yess! reaally scary

Don't worry for the wrong button, it can happen ;)
Yes, the seme thinks he's smart but he's an idiot to not have thought he could have killed the man he "loves" by causing this "accident". We can see he had planned nearly everything and he was surely following the uke because he knew where he was and when he had to make the cat run on the road.... Scccaaaarrrryyy!!
They've also "known" each other since junior school, which was several years earlier so, when you think about how obsessed the seme is towards the uke, I really wonder what would be the uke's life after his two weeks in this hospital. Personally, I would not stay in this hospital. I would ask for a transfer. But I'm not sure either that he would be safe elsewhere... Poor uke...

I've just discovered this story and it's great so far.
I like the three characters and the relationship between each others. Satoru seems to know what are the feelings of Mitsuya towards his big brother, but Shin hasn't realized anything yet.
Shin thinks he kissed his friend in dreams but it's more likely that Mitsuya couldn't stop himself from kissing Shin, who is the man he loves, when he was asleep.
I feel sorry for Shin because he really is very confused now. Fortunately for him, his little brother comes to help him but Shin hasn't seen that his confusion and the way he deals with his feelings is making his best friend very sad. I hope they're going to talk to each other soon and understand that they're both in love with each other now. It is not a one-sided love anymore for Mitsuya.

It's also the first yuri I've read and I don't regret to have given a try to it because it was a great story. I was reluctant due to many things: it's yuri and I was afraid of the kind of stories it could be (too much drama or too much girly things or sex scenes that I would find gross perhaps) but no, I liked the plot and everything in this story.
I found the end a little bit rushed though. It would be a good thing to add some chapters in another volume I think.
I was also reluctant because I don't particularly like Eiki Eiki but I'll give another try to this author. I wouldn't read yuri as much as yaoi or other books but, from time to time, why not?! However, I'll be even more selective in yuri than in yaoi because I think yuri is still not really my cup of tea. So, the plot and the drawings will have an even more importance for me in yuri than in yaoi. And unlike with yaoi, I'll prefer stories in which the sex scenes are not too developed.^^
It's rare that I stop reading a story before the end but here, I couldn't continue it. I find the plot awful and I didn't enjoy the manga at all.
I don't like forceful characters, rapes and here, the kidnapping and especially the horrible words of the kidnapper. I just can't! It's too horrid for me and I think the uke and even the seme lack of realism and character.
I'll try to find a cheerful and cute story and forget this one.
It's not that bad i've seen worse and this onw is really nothing compared to them
somehow i like kidnapping lol anyways this manga is not that dark it has it's funny and sweet moments too