this is not the first time i read this..but each time...each timr i cried a river....it was so sad seeing the face of broken-- hearted little yutaka!! Stupid brother! Stupid sister! How can you be that mean with someone else yutaka faces each time that stupif brother said something mean to my yutaka..just...really sadddddddd thank god minoru and cutie pie tane is there yutaka you are not dirty, and tane and minoru prove it that eating with you was actually fun and making things delicious..i hope he realise that

I got confuse super fast seeing as this havent update for a long time..i remember not much...and i dont want to read all the chapter back cuz currently i am in exam mood (i have exam next weeks!), and i cant afford to cry and become sad now..
But what happen to the past kei? Is the brother bad? And was kei rape or sold or what?i just need the summary to help me understand the new chapter...please help fellow reader here!

I'm not 100% sure if Kei got sold sexually, but it's hinted at and there's not really any other way to "get sold" as a child. The brother was bad, yes, but righfully so, his life was shit which made him into a shitty person.
If ur still confused I recommend reading it from the beginning as there's a lot to understand and read.

I willl read it from the beginning back..but i need to finish my exam first....cuz my mental health is not prepare for thissss erghhh..i probably will cry a river if i read back from the beginning as for now i dont really remember the storyline much..but thank you!
If the brother is bad, now tht he met kei back, im afraid kei will get sold or torture again..that is why i confuse whether i need to be happy he met the brother back or not..

Guess, its time to drop this..i know its almost the end..but not gonna read anymore..
I am hoping that they have some time far away from each other..at least until hyesung matured, and dojin too...
"I cannot run away anymore cuz i am bonded, lets just enjoy it "
Dissapoint me much....you guys can disagree with it, but i am a dissapointed fan (︶︿︶)=凸

I wonder why you think i dont buy it..
I am a student..i rely on my allowance to buy things...
I read things for free here, and when i got enough extra to buy manga, i will go and buy them...cuz i am supporting the mangaka.. i have until chapter 35, for love is an illusion...dont ask me why i dont have till the recent chapter, cuz i just told ya, i need to save up money, before i can buy it...cuz im young, dumb and broke.
I guess, cuz you dont buy them, you just assume things dont ya?
I dont usually get irritated, but well..you just managed to turn it on

..this is just what i feel about it and im bad in expressing it with words...well, english is not my first language, so it is a bit difficult....it is just too rush that i cannot accept they idea of im bonded and i died.. and the truth is, i am totally okay with bond and die thing, but like what you are saying, the development..it is important, no?
Thanks for your opinion

I never comment in any manga..and this will be my first..cuz i toootally got to tell someone about this frustation of mine...
Seriously...at first i tried to like 'understand' hyesong..his trauma and yada yada..
But now? Im sorry...you cant with dojin??? He tried to keep you cuz he loves you (i guess) he do anything to keep you with him..and there you go..just go and suck another dick..on what reason? Dont tell me its because of your trauma.even you know " im totally like what my father said" then if you want to prove you are not someone like what your idiot father said, why would you go and tried to sleep with random person ...
Im sorry..i cant symphatize with him..at all...and to those who can, congratz..you guys have such a big heart..i totally hope dojin leave him for good ( i know its not possible)..never accept him back...
Im sorry hyesong..i cant put myself in your shoes..

I have another point of view. dojin wasnt very nice to him. he started to treat him diffrent when he got pregnant. I would feel like he only like the baby and not me. I can seriously feel with hysong. he is so down just now, and he really belief he cant do anything else then to sell himself. I hope he will be ok bec. he must think that he cant even do this kind of 'work'. I really feel sorry for him. he also thought the baby is not normal bec. he is mother/father.

just like in this scene http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/love_is_an_illusion/uu/love_is_an_illusion-chapter-2/13/
imagine: you feel bad, your body hurts and you dont know whats going on- then a guy you just met- ripped of your pants and rams some fingers inside of you.....

If you think dojin does not treat him well before the pregnancy, it is your opinion..and we should respect it.and the other commenter feels like he do treat hyesong well, and we should respect it too..
and me? I dont want to think about hyesong anymore...it makes my head ache
And im sorry to misinterpret your comment..cuz you write he treat him different when he got pregnant and i just assume things.
Thanks anyway for your opinion

I did not talk about only the sex scenes! I am talking about other things like dojin got worried about him and searched him when he scammed and when he learned that hyesungs friends roommate alpha he just went to said he should live with him and such! I am talking about this! He always worried for him! And the first time they did is because even tho dojin gave hyesung a medicine it did not work and for long time hyesung was still in heat and they yet to find propare medicine for hyesung right? I read the manga again yesterday because someone said i need to read it so i can understand hyesung more but after all i couldn't understand him better like nost people but i understand him some more from before. But still this doesn't make hyesung not stupid! He is still stubborn and stupid

you said dojin ALWAYS treats him special. and thats just not true. from the start he (dojin) never treated him equal. compare him wiht the best friend of hysong- he is also worried but never treats uke-chan like he is 'better' than him. of course its true that dojin- starts to care for him. but hyson is not a mindreader... anyway- it kinda feels like a sports game ... we have 2 fanblocks.... though I am not a fan of hysong- I just dislike it when people start to say bad things about a person and the feelings, the angst. I always try to see, to feel both sides.
I hope that you are well...i love you so much and just wanna let you know..
You better let both of them die, or both of them be alive.
I will not accept any less than that.
Please, and thank you....
Im cryinngggggggg...after so many v2olume, he, they said I love Youuuuuuu