Shit post 2.0 shared experience about question
Maybe i should focus on it again, have been trying to avoid it due to the dramas and messes I made like someone calling me a manipulator, liar, gaslighter, asshole idk they used the whole vocabulary but haaa... I pushed them away on purpose because I could no longer trust any of them. I made them hate me and think of me so lowly, because they're no......
Shit post 2.0 asked question about question

I'm going back to my awesome server with many of my friends who misses me sm lol I forgot it existed... Going back to where I come from join my server

Shit post 2.0 followed question about question

No they genuinely said that after I tried opening up to them like wtf?? I lose my hope for humanity sometimes.

03 11,2024
Shit post 2.0 answered question about question
Shit post 2.0 answered question about question
Redoing this cus ppl don't know the person I mentioned was problematic asf but anyways this fucking bunny. Happy?
Shit post 2.0 asked question about question

No they genuinely said that after I tried opening up to them like wtf?? I lose my hope for humanity sometimes.

Shit post 2.0 answered question about question
My Beloved im here always by the end of the day
Shit post 2.0 shared experience about question
Idk if everyone around me was genuinely aware I having delusions after a traumatic experience. Death of a love one where I gaslight myself they were alive and damn u day of the dead!!! I think they know since I constantly showed them I used his account to talk to myself. I went literally crazy and so glad back to reality. Though I'm too deep to eve......
Shit post 2.0 answered question about question
Cause I'm waiting for some to do it first than me
Shit post 2.0 answered question about question
Yeah nobody really understands how sexual assault affect someone's mind so badly unless ur a victim yourself and even victims themselves don't understand. The trauma is so horrible that sometimes the trauma response is you sexualising yourself (Hypersexuality) and that isn't really nice to live with.
Shit post 2.0 answered question about question
It's so disgusting they keep doing that the LITC author when their characters are all MINORS. They were so annoyed they did an April jokes of aging up Cirrus to this hunky man and slapped 18+ on it lmao the author makes BL smut and have done one where its all about sex.
Shit post 2.0 answered question about question
Am i meeting alastor or what but I'd probably would just run and hide also sure here me and my alive bro cooking
Shit post 2.0 answered question about question
Hey, I can't email you for some reason but the commission for your among us porn is already done. Please just DM me to see the pic.
Shit post 2.0 asked question about question

I just literally talked to my friend on how I could beat up the seme from jinx cus of the question "Which bl characters can u take in a fight" and then we head from someone that some gays were cosplaying as bl characters so as the title said... Damn im being given a chance

Shit post 2.0 answered question about question
Maybe i should stop hiring ppl to pretend he's alive for this lol its time to let go